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(if your confused as to why Severus is calling her Lily, its because she looks like lily)

       "Daddy, Where do you go every year?" Valerie Snape was 15 years old. Her father turned to look at her, "Lily, you know I must go and work-" Severus was cut off when he felt a small pair of arms around him, "I don't want you to have to stay here..." Valerie started softly crying into her fathers arms, Severus looked down at his daughter. "Lily, I don't want you to cry, ever. your far to beautiful to cry, I will return before Christmas...and then I must leave once again." He spoke, softly rubbing his daughters back.


(Valerie Pov)

"Goodbye Father! I Shall miss youuuuuuu!" I yelled as i watched my father walk out of the front gate, I felt a soft purr from my feet and looked down to see my kitten Lady Marmalade rubbling her soft fur against my leg,

 I scooped her up and walked inside, this was going to be a long year. 


I was inside the library reading some muggle books when I heard the front door open, I walked down the stairs and through the kitchen and then I saw... daddy! "daddy..." I breathed as I started running towards him, when I reached him I gave him the biggest hug in the world "I missed did Lady Marmalade!" I looked up at father, he had a grin like a Cheshire cat "I missed you too lily, maybe a little too much." he said pulling away "Too much? you can never get to much off Valerie Snape! because I'm glorious" I replied looking up at him. "how about we go and get dinner you punk?" daddy said strutting away towards the kitchen, "daddy are you forgetting something?" I said putting my hands on my hips.

 "what could I have possibly forgotten?" he said looking back at me, "Its my birthday Today!" I said tilting my head to the side, "what? i thought your birthday was last year?" he said raising an eyebrow. "heh heh what happened to you hair! its a greasy, and uneven. I'm cutting it." I said walking towards him, "oh no..."

(3rd person POV)

         Valerie and Her father spent the holidays together, bonding. until it was time for Severus Snape to go off to Hogwarts, it was hard not telling Valerie where he was going.  Valerie knew very little of the wizarding world, but understood that her father was trying to keep her safe, as the two parted, they almost whispered their heartbreaking goodbyes, and waited for summer to come upon them.

 Valerie spent most of her time by the creek with the animals, or in the nearby muggle village library, and even just in the small reading nook in the living room at her home, but she longed to spend more time with her father, more than just the holidays and summers. when her father returned that summer she was ecstatic, But what Valerie didn't know, was that this summer would change her life.


A/N: I'm so sorry this was short but I had to get this story started, thank you for reading.

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