When real life happens 1

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Ellie's P.O.V
It's been a week or so since the meet up/date thing I'm still not sure what it was actually. Like we talk every day but with him in the studio in AMERICA in case you missed that he left a few days ago. So yeah try to communicate with a 5hour difference if you think its easy its not. As the day approached of my parents and little brother's passing I had to prepare myself for the real rollercoaster that's about to happen in Dorset. 'Its been 10years' I say to Han when she asked how long it has been. 'El if you want I will skip class and come with you to Dorset' she says. 'It's okay Han I'll be fine! I've been going ther for 10years next Friday wont be any different.' 'Okayy but really I can come with you.' 'Han! I'll be fine I promise!' 'Have you told Brad about the accident yet?' Lisa asked. 'Noo...' when I said that they looked at me like I was some wierdo. 'El you have to tell him!' Lisa and Han say in sync. 'Well how should I tell him! Like hey Brad my parents and brother died when I was 10. No way I'm telling him that at this point!' 'Ooh comeee onnn! He has a right to know!!' 'Girls its my life! Let me live it how I want! Thanks' I say while walking back to my room to pack my bag.

Bradley's P.O.V
'GUYS THIS SONG IS GONNA BE MASSIVE!!' Tristan shouts. 'MAN IF THIS DOESNT GO NUMBER 1 I DONT WHAT WILL!' Connor screams even louder. 'THIS IS THE BEST WE EVER DID!' James yells when I walk out of the booth. 'Guys this is epic!' I say. We just finished middle of the night and man its a bop. (it really is tho) 'Hey Brad' 'Earth to Brad' 'Jup we lost him' 'BRAD' the boys scream. 'Wtf boysssssss' 'Mate you were gone for a good few minutes. Thinking about El again?' Tris says while he pushes my shoulder. 'Uhmm yesss... something wrong with that?' I answer. 'Oooh nooo its just really cuteeee' 'BRADSSS IN LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEE' Connor says. 'Come on lets send the song to Martin for the last time!' I say to quickly change the conversation.
And yess I'm thinking about Ellie way to much but being that far apart isn't making it any better. And to top it off there are pictures of me and El meeting up circulating on the web so thats fun now everyone knows something is happening in my private life. I'm starting to think that's why El isn't texting alot these days. Don't get me wrong I love the vamily but gosh we are just friends at this moment and yet they are telling that we're dating...


New message from Ellie

How early can somebody text!!
It's like 4 in the morning and then it hit me that it could be homefront. As quickly as I can I grab my phone and see that it's Ellie.

Ellie: Hiiii Braddd I gotta tell you something
Ooh wait your sleeping nevermind
Brad: Well I'm awake now so better tell me.
Brad: Gosh El don't just dont its 4 in THE FREAKING MORNING!
Ellie: 😳
Well here goes nothing.
I know I've been MIA for a few days so I feel like I need to explain it.
I've never told you this and I don't know why I never did but I need to tell you. You deserve to know. You know i never talked about my parents or siblings.
Thats because my parents and little brother died 10years ago today.
Brad: *typing*
Wait what did she just tell me?! Why didn't she tell me earlier.
Ellie: I know I just randomly dropped this on you but I felt like you should know.
Brad: Ellie I don't know what to say at this point but hell you deserve a hug right know! You should've told me sooner then I would've flown back to London together woth James!
Ellie: Why is James flying back to London aren't you guys recording songs??
Brad: Well he had to go to a memorial today in Dorset or something like that.
Ellie: Wait DORSET?!?! That's where I'm going today!
Brad: Wow thats wierd maybe there are more memorials today in Dorset?
Ellie: Well not that I know of
I also kinda dont know what he looks like🤦🏼‍♀️
10/10 friend over here
Brad: I'll send a picture wait
Also did I just get Friendzoned?!
Ellie: uhm idk hahaha
Brad: the one on the right I legit couldn't find a better one

Ellie: Wait DORSET?!?! That's where I'm going today!Brad: Wow thats wierd maybe there are more memorials today in Dorset?Ellie: Well not that I know ofI also kinda dont know what he looks like🤦🏼‍♀️10/10 friend over hereBrad: I'll send a picture ...

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Ellie: oooh thatssss Jamesssss
Well if I see it would legit be wierd because I never saw him at a memorial
Also gotta go I arrived in Dorset
Try to sleep some more B!
Brad: Well it was lovely to talk to you again El! Keep me updated about your day! Goodnighttttt

Ellie's P.O.V
As I was sitting on the train to Dorset I had the urge to tell Brad about everything so I did and I feel so much better now! But what about James is he really gonna be at the memorial of my family? I've never seen him before so thats wierd. But we'll see. 'Hey El come on we are arriving!' Han says. Ow yeah forgot to tell ya Hannah decided to come with me. As we arrive I see aunt Anne-marie standing next the the bakery. We walk towards her and leave to the memorial. On our way we pass my old house and the street I used to grow up in. But also the place that killed them.
Heyyy lovess Im backk its been a long timee oops!
But what do you think is gonna happen is James really gonna be there?
And what about the pictures leaking of Ellie and Brad what's your opinion on that?
Let me know what you think in the comments!
Ooh yeah this part is gonna be extremely long so except a few chapters on this topic
Lots of love

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