1. School is overrated

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The characters ( at the end of the story)
Lou: 30, german teacher, lives on Hawaii
Debbie: 30 ( no details, sorry guys)
Tammy: 30, lawyer, lives in New York

TW: abuse, strong language
Back when the "holy trinity" went to school, yes they called themselves like that, they were best friends. Out of their school and environment they just trusted each other and hang out all the time, before Debbie started to change. She had a secret she couldn't share with her besties and that broke her heart. In this chapter they are all 12 years old again.

"Wow, Debbie you look awful. Didn't you get any sleep?"

"Thank you, Lou. No I guess I accidently watched Netflix the whole night", Debbie lied to them.

"I told you, you shouldn't be watching Netflix that much", Tammy said.

Obviously, Debbie didn't watch Netflix the whole night. She was so exhausted by not letting anybody notice her real feelings and pain.

" Wanna hang at my place tonight?", Lou asked.

"Sure", Tammy agreed.

"Sorry guys. My mom won't let me. I forgot cleaning the kitchen yesterday."


Debbie was so tired of all the excuses she had to made. It was friday and she was scared of going home after school. She knew what to expect. Debbie is an only child and however her mom thinks she is fat. She didn't love her daughter, to be honest she hated her. She was so depressed that her daughter wasn't perfect and she was ashamed to talk about her. Debbie's father is always on her mom's side. It was the hell on earth. Specially the weekends, when she had to stay at home with her parents alone the whole day. She didn't know how much longer she could handle this. She was hungry and went downstairs to get some food.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING YOUNG LADY", her mom shouted at her.

"M...Mom please, I.. I didn't eat in 3 days I...."


"Mom I... I am sorry but..."

"You know what that means ", her dad enterd the room.

"You had your chance, go outside and don't you dare coming in at night. Every door will be locked."

Whenever Debbie tried to eat something and one of her parents caught her, her parents threw her out and she had to sleep in the garden. It was January and fucking cold in Germany. She didn't had any protection, exept an old shack. Whenever she was out there she just tried to survive. None of her family members or friends know what was going on at Debbie's home. Her parents threatened her to kill her if she says any word to anybody. By all the torturing, she didn't doubt her parent's threat for one second.


It was her aunt's birthday.

"Hey Debbie! You grow so fast my little princess", aunt Amita said while hugging her and tightening her cheeks.

"Happy Birthday, aunt Amita!"

Amita was Debbie's favorite aunt. She always is so nice and lovely to her. She just wants her best. She's her mom's sister and has no clue what was going on in Debbie's life. Besides her granny, she was the only one in her family she trustet. She wanted to tell her everything so badly, but she couldn't.

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