Im so fucking bored

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So ive got loads of ideas that i would love to add into my fanfiction and i dont know why but i dont seem to be able to put them into words very well concidering im in a top set english class i dont know i guess i do so much writing in school i struggle to come up with things to wrtie anymore but im still going to try

so here is my daily chapter

as promised

Sams Strange Dream (Nightmare type think idek)

I stepped out of the store holding a pregnancy test in one hand and my change in the other

i wasn't quite sure if i would be or not but i was so worried

as soon as i got home i ran past everyone in my care home and locked my self in my bedroom i was starting to hesitate whether i should take it or not i walked into my ensuite

I got out out the test and the next thing i know i was stood by the sink crying and staring into the mirror thinking about what a discrace i was and how i should have never slept with Alex

I didnt know what to do anymore

i saw down in the corner and pulled out my makeup bag in there i kept a few blades they were the only thing keeping me sane in this place and with all this shit in this place I made a small cut on my arm and it started to bleed after around 5 minutes id made around 30 cuts and i just put my head in my hands and cried

End Of Dream 

I woke up and i swear i nearly shit myself like what the fuck even was that 

Ive never been pregnant Im a lesbian and Alex is transgender 

my foster home was pretty fucking fucked up you see i would spend all of my time locked in my room drawing and listening to mcr and everyone there reffered to me as (The satan child)

like god at least i dont hang out my bedroom window smoking weed like most of the kids there

and i didnt draw satanic circles with chalk on my carpet i was just a very icolated person i didnt tend to talk to anyone really  apart from a couple of internet friends through skype mainly Alex

i looked at the clock and it was 3am 

I went downstairs and got myself some coffee and went back into my room and watched a haunted house 2 it was one of my favorite films despite a haunted house 1 and i fell back to sleep around 5am hoping not to have anymore 




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