What was I thinking

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I proceeded to cry and cry and cry as i stuck my note on the wall but it turned out i had left my skype on from a few days ago and my good friend Alex was still sat there and I didn't even know about it because my speakers had been turned down

He only lived a few blocks away so as soon as he saw the note and saw me grab a bottle of pills he knew what too do

Alex's P.O.V

I was so fucking scared I litterally ran out of my house with no shoes and ran about 2 and a half miles in 2 minutes I barged passed the quite clearly pissed mikey and gerard as they didn't even seem to acknowlege my presence I was so scared I wasn't prepared for the sight I might be faced with.

I ran into the bedroom and the bathroom door was locked I found Sam's credit card and the door still wouldn't open so I litterally kicked it down and saw her sat in the corner struggling to open the bottle of pills I grabbed them out of her hand and threw them to the other side her face lit up a bit when she saw me and I just grabbed her and she held me in her arms for about 2 hours just crying and crying I just accepted it and compforted her

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