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Okay....let's go to the cvs....

When you enter the cvs....you see Namjoon....and see he slightly glance at you....

He life's his hand...



"Wanna have a some coffee and have a talk?"


Omg....did he just.....omg.....


He grabs two coffee and pays for it and adds hot water to it....and give it to you with a smiling face.....


"T-Thank you"

"Let's sit there"


You both sit it the table....

"So...where are you from?"

"I-I'm from india"

"That's great!    You study hear?"

"Y-Yeah.... I'm studying in Korean University...."

"That's great"

Omg....Why I feel so nervous....

"What is your name?"

"I'm Y/N"

"Ahh....nice name"

He looks at his watch...

"Ahh...it's already 7:40am.... shouldn't you be in your class at 8:00am??"

"Shot....yeah....I have to hurry.....see you later.."

"Sure....see you Y/N..."

W-Wait....omg....did he called me my name....

You sit in your bus seat and think of what  you both where talking.....

~After class~

After class when you pass the cvs....you see Namjoon standing in front of the cvs....and he lifts his hand when he sees you....


Why is he here at night?

You too lift your hand....and you go near him....

"W-Why are you here at night??
I never saw you at this time...."

"Everyday I used to practice till night....but today I didn't have practice.....and.....when I met you in morning....you were a good friend to talk....and I wanted to know about you.....I always wanted a foreign friend....."

Omg....he wants to know about me.....
I was a good friend to talk?


"Can we be friends?"

Omg.... friends.....I-Is that even a question to ask....omg....


"Gland you told ok....
Tommorw you have spring holidays right?"


"I too have a free day tommorw.....wanna meet somewhere?"


"I'll text you the location.....your number??"

He gives his phone to you and you grap it and dial your number...

Omg....N-Namjoon......asked my number.....omg..... Namjoon from bts asked my number....

You give his phone back to him after dialing your number.....


"Okay.... I'll text you....I have to go now....see you tomorrow.....bye...."


You go to your room and....you are in total shock...

Omgg....now I don't what is gona happen tomorrow......and omg... he'll text me....

*Message recieved*

A/N: Actually this is how Namjoon looked in the night....in front of cvs...

in front of cvs

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