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"All the single ladies, put your hands up!"

As soon as Maia entered the house, she heard Stiles singing at a terrible pitch. She heard his feet thump against the floor and come through the ceiling above her.

She quietly crept up the stairs and peeked through his door. His back was facing her, dancing to the beat. His arms waved around, shimmying his chest and limbs.

She bit her lip to keep from laughing and giving away her position. She leaned against the door frame with her arms crossed.

"Up in the club, we just broke up, I'm doing my own little thing," he sang.

He popped his hips unexpectedly, making the containment of her laughter even more difficult.

His high pitch was disturbing her ears even with the addition of the loud music. She winced and decided to spare him from further embarrassment.

She cleared her throat loudly, "Stiles!"

The boy snapped around, almost falling down in the process. He used his desk to keep himself upright as he saw Maia standing there.

Her smile didn't fall even when he glared at her. He scratched the back of his neck and shut off the radio instantly.

He didn't say a word as he rushed around to pack his duffle bag.

"'re a Beyoncé fan?"

He groaned in frustration, pushing past her and leaving the room. She laughed and followed after him.

He ran out to his car and barely waited for her to get in before starting the drive to the school for his lacrosse game.

They bickered and teased each other the whole way there. The topics varied from embarrassing moments to crushes. The latter topic dropped quickly though since the both of them were sensitive about talking about their emotions.

Once they arrived, Stiles parked the Jeep and pulled his duffle bag out from the backseat. As the door shut and he turned around, he came face to face with Bobby Finstock.

He yelled in surprise and jumped back, "Hey Coach."

"Stilinski! Why are you late?"

"I had to take care of something," he lied.

Maia hopped out of the car and came around to his side. Coach spotted her and recognized her, "You're Lydia's cousin, right?"

Stiles shot her a warning glare and muttered under his breath, "Be nice."

She shut her open mouth and held back her incoming retort. She took a deep breath and flashed a polite smile, "Yes, sir."

"Sir?" Coach laughed crazily, "If I wanted to be called sir I would've kept living with my father!"

His laughs died down into awkward silence when he saw that the two weren't responding in the same way. He stuttered to play it off in some way but decided on returning to his usual demeanor.

"Get on the field, Stilinski!"

The boy's eyes widened again and he scrambled away. Coach followed after him, yelling motivations for him to go faster.

Maia stayed in her place, watching as Lydia's car parked beside the Jeep. She waited for the girl to get out before they walked towards the field.

"Why are the two of you forcing me to be here?"

Lydia sighed and looped her arm in Maia's, "To provide moral support."

"Shouldn't we be focused on finding the alpha?"

"Don't tell me you're all business and no play," Lydia teased, "Besides, the party isn't until tomorrow night so we should make the most of the free time we have."

The girl groaned as the banshee pulled her towards the bleachers.

The benches were crowded and players from both sides ran around. The smell of popcorn wafted through the air and overwhelmed her senses.

Lydia pushed through all of the spectators, earning a seat in the prime spot. They sat beside Malia and Mason, who scooted over to make room.

The girls sat down and watched as the game was about to begin. Maia asked questions since she didn't understand the game itself. Lydia and Malia gladly filled her in, enjoying the quality time they were spending together.

As the game progressed, Stiles and Scott began working together with great skill. They'd defend their goal and allow Kira and Liam to shoot the ball.

With every goal and successful defense, the crowd rose to cheer. Popcorn spilled everywhere, even bouncing off her shoulders and hair.

Lydia and Malia stood up, cheering for the boys and Kira. Scott and Stiles jumped up in excitement, bumping their chests together.

But once they collided, they hit a little too hard. They both bounced off each other and landed on their backs.

Maia scoffed, "How is it possible that both the brain and the brain are equally idiotic?"

She pointed her finger to both of them with their respective titles.

"An unsolvable question."

She turned her head to see Derek standing beside her. She stood up in relief and took his hand as he helped her get off the crowded bleachers.

"Thank God you're here."

He quirked a brow, "Miss me?"

"No!" she said quickly, "I hate being the only broody person here."

"Fair enough."

He led her to the concession stand and they waited in the long line. He shoved his hands in his pockets and glanced at her often.

"Found anything on the talisman?"

She shook her head, "Nothing useful."

"Anything I can do to help?"

She shrugged sheepishly, "On occasion, I might need a coffee and a Stiles-free zone."

He laughed, which brought a smile to her face.

"Feel free to stop by the loft if you need an escape," he offered.

"I'll keep that in mind."

Her smile stopped when a shoulder gruffly hit hers. She grunted and looked at the student with a glare.

"Watch it," he spat.

She scoffed and Derek had to hold her back. But he took the initiative and protectively stepped in front of her.

"Apologize," he demanded.

"I don't think so."

The boy stepped closer to challenge the man. He narrowed his eyes and ran his look up and down her body.

"We're all good, aren't we sweetheart?"

She faked a smile and stepped around Derek. He looked confused when she shoved him back lightly and took his spot.

She rested a hand on the boy's shoulder, "First of all, you shouldn't mess with someone with anger issues. Second-"

She drew her fist back and punched the boy in the face. He groaned and stumbled away from her, clutching his jaw where a bruise was sure to appear.

"Don't call me sweetheart."

She winked and turned her back to him. She grabbed Derek by the hand and dragged him back towards the bleachers.

His cheeks were red with anger the whole time, "He had no right to say that."

She was going to brush it off but she saw the look on his face. A smile creeped onto her face when she understood what it meant.

"Are you jealous?"

He turned to her and dropped his look, switching it to disgust, "I don't get jealous."

She laughed,

"Oh, so that face you're making is your normal face?"


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