Rin Caster

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Fandom: Marvel

Name: Katherina "Rin" Caster

Nickname: Rin (most common), Rina, Kat

Alias: April Joke

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Crush: Open

Birthdate: 1/4

Zodiac: Aries


Casual clothing:

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Casual clothing:

Casual clothing:

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Mission suit:

Mission suit:

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Formal wear:

Formal wear:

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Power(s): She can sense what people fear, and give them hallucinations of that fear (only works on two people at the time, and as soon as she breaks concentration it stops)

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Power(s): She can sense what people fear, and give them hallucinations of that fear (only works on two people at the time, and as soon as she breaks concentration it stops)

Occupation: SHIELD agent and Avenger

Rin's POV: She's heard that her backstory is so classified that not even she knows about it herself. What she does know is that she joined SHIELD at the age of 10, her memory before that was wiped. She already had her powers, but from an unknown source. At least, unknown to her. She was practicly raised at SHIELDS, taken under the wing of Maria Hill for training and raising. Maria was a suprisingly good substitute for a mom, though Rin wasn't allowed to ask questions about her past.
She became a good assassin, stealthy and sneaky, and her powers could be to her advantage.
When the Avengers initiative started, she was intructed to keep a low profile for a while before she was orderd to join a few monthes later at 18. No one expected the young adult to be as goofy and playful as she was, except for Natasha and Clint.


The full story of what happend before she joined SHIELD: Her mom was the victim of sexual assault, and the result was Rin. Though, both of her parents were bad people, with bad intentions. They were both part of an organisation created with the insperation from HYDRA. That organisation looked down on women, people of color, and everyone who weren't orthodoxic christians, and called themselvs "God's saviors".
As soon after Rin was born, she was raised to be like a slave. Cook, clean, and being used by men for pleasure when she was old enough to walk.
SHIELD had been following the organisation for quite a long time, and finally decided to strike a hit. The organisation was only weakend, many managed to flee. Her mother was greeted with death when a pillar fell onto her, but her dad escaped without her. Rin had been trying to follow him, bur had fallen on a rock and tumbeld down a hill right into SHIELD's camp. She hit her head and landed in a coma, that led to such severe amnesia that she could only remember her firstname. While doctors tried their best to make her remember everything again, mostly for inside information, they concluded at last that her life before the attack would probably never be rememberd by her again, so they decided to take her in.

Weakness: The Amnesia, the rare outbursts of not being able to control her powers that happens not even once a year, allergy for oranges

Other: Clint doesn't really like her for some reason that she can't figure out herself, but at least he accepts and respects her like a team mate

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