Part 25

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M: so you guys still wanna spend the night?
Mia: sure?
Lia: yeah
M: you guys don't have to
Mia: no we do
Lia: yeah
Kai: we should play gta
Lia: you guys go, I wanna clean up Ale's cuts. Is that ok, Ale?
Ale: yeah, let's go. He said showing his dimples


Mia: their totally gunna have sex
Kai: speaking of sex, did you have sex at all these past 3 years?
Mia: yeah
Kai: with who
Mia: ok first of all, do you know how long 3 years is?
Kai: yes
Mia: well obviously not if you think I wouldn't have sex for 3 years!
Kai: well Mattia didn't
Mia: Oop
M: uhh- no, why are you lying Kai
Kai: I'm no- ohhh, oh yeah why am I lying?
Mia: mhm
Kai: do you guys hear that
Mia: oml...

Lia's POV:

Lia: ugh, fuck right there!
Ale: *groans*
Lia: yes yes yes, fuck!
Ale: you like this dick
Lia: yes
Ale: yes what?
Lia: yes daddy

Mia's POV:

Mia: okkkkkk ummm
Kai: ice cream?
M: sure- nvm. He said looking at his phone
Kai: oh ok...
Mia: is everything ok?
M: y-yeah, Kai we need to go. Like now! He showed him his phone.
Kai: ok, but what about Ale?
M: who cares we need to go now!
Kai: but we ne-
M: now!
Mia: can I help with anything
Kai: ye-
M: it's to dangerous for you
Mia: ok...

They went into their gun room and grabbed a bunch of guns and stuffed them in a bag. They put pocket knives in their pockets just in case, I  assumed.

Mia: well bye.

Mattia rushed rushed of the house

Kai: byeeeeee bestieeeee

I giggled

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