(30) Zara's Comical Overview

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My story... started from the moment my mother and father fell in love with each other.

Till of course, they reached each other's parents in the dignified fashion and with both families coming together they got happily married.

With an evil sickening uncle who had a sick heart, brewed jealousy from the time of childhood with my father, to the extent he envied his marriage with a beautiful woman- compared to his own lanky one.

Ironic, right?

Okay. I know... sounds a bit too cliche. But human emotions are real.

Were all real. But it's how we react and allow those emotions to blind us to the extent we destroy others' lives is the questionable retake.

I arrived into the world four years after my sister.


Born in a shop of hand made, painted China crockery and paintbrushes- I got to feel less of my mother since she passed away a week or, so later- after my birth.

Okay, now you might be wondering why am I even repeating all of this?

You know all of it don't you?

To be honest, I don't know why either. But since we're going for a proper review... we best go deep. Deep as the ocean till we see an angler fish.


Living with my cousins was short of a good time. It was like these years of being raised up in a barn of harsh and gruesome weather, with horses having ran away from the stables and nothing to cook nor book.

Traveling from one side of the country to another, I almost left writing letters to my sister because my Uncle said I wouldn't be able to.

A lot of things have happened... so far. Changed from one school times to another school... never quite fitted in. Everyone looked at me like this poor cousin of Bilal's, or, Karim's, or, Salih's.

No one looked at me like Musa, to the extent I wondered why did they keep my name as such?


My time in the mansion didn't remain as long as I imagined it to be. With bars of cold blocking your way, and sniffling nose till it turns red, your eyes remain ruby-rimmed.

It's a wonder how many horrors you could see in the phase of years littered time to time, till your heart turns to cold- because that's what they say.

Not to care.

Not to bother asking any questions.

Just study, get educated, earn money and build a lifestyle.

Lifestyle of what? Either I go all in fancy and sophisticated or, I just jumpstart in the bad boy's gang going about smoking and speeding up higher than sky's limit.

There was no balance and no 1,2,3, record in my Uncle's mansion. Nopes.

Either you go too robotic, or, too devilish. No one really had a sense of right direction.

Till of course.... I spent through my years getting in weird, flimsy companies and jumping from that choice of a company to... a quiet tea-time with my new English professor in college, Rashid Murhani.


He was different.

His vibe was.

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