Chapter 6

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~Nagisa POV~

Once we get home we notice mom and dad sitting at the table. They look over to and signal us to sit down, which we reluctantly do.

"What?" Touka asks.

"Can we just have a family meal together again?" Mom asks.

We haven't eaten together as a family since the explosion. Actually we haven't done much of anything as a family since the explosion. The explosion was a huge turning point for my family because we all blamed ourselves. Mom and Dad blamed themselves because they let their kids get hurt. Ayato and I blamed ourselves because we didn't get out quick enough. Touka blamed herself because she was supposed to be on that assignment with us but she had a school test to study for so she didn't.

"Weird time to bring this up," Ayato mutters, "It's been two years."

"Yeah and we still haven't talked about what happened," Dad states.

"Ever think about why we could be avoiding that conversation?" I hiss.

"Please can we talk about this," Touka asks.

"Seriously?! You're taking their side on this?" Ayato shouts.

"You are the only two who haven't moved on!" Touka yells.

"Huh I wonder why that is Touka?!" I shout.

"We were the ones who fucked up Touka! We are the ones who are disabled now!" Ayato adds.

"Why won't you move on?!" Touka yells.

"I'll consider it when I can walk without running into things because it was too far to the left or right," I state.

"Nagisa," Ayato whispers.

"No," I state, walking upstairs and slamming my door.

"Don't slam your door!" Mom shouts.

"Fucking watch me!" I shout, right before I break into tears.

~Karma POV~

I was on my phone when I got a notification from tiktok that Ayato was going live. Hoping to see Nagisa, I clicked it but it was just him for once. I quickly found out that Touka and Nagisa only really participated in the livestreams. The chat quickly fills with questions asking where Nagisa and Touka were.

"Please stop asking where my sisters are. The family isn't currently on civilized speaking terms. It's either silent treatment or shouting," Ayato mutters.

What happened? They were talking and joking around after school, just a few hours prior.

I leave the livestream and text Nagisa.


Hey, you okay?

Not really. Why?

Ayato went live on tiktok and said you guys weren't on speaking terms.

Of course he did.

What happened?

You know what. Home just hasn't felt like home in a couple years so there's really nothing you can do even if you did know. '

You sure?


Hey, want to join my class for lunch tomorrow?

Sure why not.


I put my phone away as I noticed she stopped texting. I smile to myself. Hopefully this is less awkward.

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