Staying at your mothers house(nekoma) (nsfw!!)

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You Kenma and Suna were talking, etc til like 4 am-ish

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You Kenma and Suna were talking, etc til like 4 am-ish.

-time skip to next morning-

You were scrolling through TikTok on your phone waiting for your class to be finished. Finally the bell rang and you left class to go to lunch. "Y/n!" You looked over to see Kenma and a guy you saw at the party with bed head hair. You ate lunch with kenma and suna.

-time skip-

Kenma pulled you aside in the bathroom.. kenma soon started kissing you pulling you in by the waist. Kenma soon took off his pants and took off your slowly shoving his 😃😃in your 😁😁.. soon the bathroom filled with moans.. both of you guys decided to continue at your house

-time skip-
Kenma immediately threw you on your bed.. he started kissing you while taking off your skirt leading to him f!nger!ng you.. and y'all did it soon enough both of you fell asleep..

-next morning-

You and kenma were cuddling til you heard a ding from your phone. You rolled over while kenma was still holding you looking at the message.. it was your mom "honey I'm not gonna be home til Monday" and another text came from Suna "Hey y/n" you eventually called suna while being with kenma. Soon enough suna came over..

-time skip-

Suna and kenma started smirking.. but again you still didn't know.. suna and kenma started to flirt with you and getting on top of you


Suna and kenma x y/n  Where stories live. Discover now