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"You give me energy, make me feel lightweight
Like the birds of a feather, baby
We real life made for each other
And it's hard to keep my cool
When other bitches tryna get with my dude and
When other chickens tryna get in my coop
'Cause you're a one in a million
There ain't no man like you"

Author POV

It was Thursday morning and Ollie was woken up by her phone vibrating and she looked who was calling her

"Why is Seungcheol calling me" She groans sitting up on her bed and answers her phone.
"What do you want?"

"I just wanted to know if your free for today to practice our dance." Seungcheol asked and She sighed.

"Fine. You aren't gonna cancel again right?" She ran her fingers through her hair since she decided to get up.

"Yeah I promise I won't. Were meeting at XXX dance studio okay?" He asked and Ollie already hung up and texted him "okay"  Ollie threw her phone on her bed as she decided to get ready for the sudden plans.

"One day I decided to rewatch Sword Art Online" Ollie went to brush her teeth and take a shower. After she was done with her shower she did something with her hair and went to pick out an outfit.  "Hmmmm" Ollie was looking around her clothes before she finally chose an outfit;

  "Hmmmm" Ollie was looking around her clothes before she finally chose an outfit;

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"Guess I gotta leave now. " Ollie grabbed her stuff and began to walk the dance studio. When she got there she walked inside and into the room Seungcheol told her he was in.  "Yo" She said as she walked into the room .

"Hey.  So wanna get right to practicing " He asked while setting up the music.

"Yeah cause that's the whole point of us meeting up" So with that Ollie and Seungcheol got into place and started to dance.

Ollie POV

"Okay move your hand a bit up" I said because we kept making small comments because we kept making small mistakes.

"Okay let's take a fifteen minute break" He huffed out then went to a bench and sat down. Then there was silence because he was focusing on his phone which was quite annoying. I hated awkward silence.

"So how have you been?" I  turned to look at him but he was still looking at his phone.

"I've been doing okay... what about you?" He only glanced up from his phone. . . Soon the 15 minutes passed and we got back into practicing.

"Alright I think we did enough for today." I said and gathered my stuff wiping my sweat.
"I'm hungry" I mumbled and left the practice room.  "I think ill just get some takeout then go home and take a shower" So I went to a nearby takeout restaurant, and peaked through the window. To my suprised there was Taeyong and Jihyo there "oh wow this looks great" I put on a bitter smile and walked inside to order my food cause food is superior. As I was waiting for my food I walked over to Taeyong with my hands in my pockets. "Hey!" I grinned

"O-oh Hi Ollie!" Taeyong looked nervous but I just sat next to him and looked Jihyo straight in the eyes.

"Hey Tae. Why are you talking or hanging out with her?" I turned my head toward him and looked him in the eye now.

"She just-" Before he could finish Jihyo started to talk.

"He sat down and wanted to ask me on a date. It's funny you entered when he was about to " She said with a her smile. I clenched my jaw and glanced at her.

"Last time I checked I wasn't talking to you? I was asking my, you hear that? My boyfriend a question" I heard my name being called. "It's whatever. Taeyong make sure you text me. Also don't forget about tomorrow's plans" I got up and went to grab my food and left.

Taeyong POV

I was eating my food and listening to music in piece until someone decided to disrupt it by taking my headphones.

"Ew it's you " I puffed my cheeks and contained my laughter cause I didn't mean to say that out loud.

"How rude. " Jihyo pouted at stared at me."How my hottie doing hmm"

"Horrible now that your here. Also don't call me that. I have a girlfriend you know" I snatched my head phones away and put them in my pocket.

"You mean a pest? We used to be such a good couple Tae. What happend?" She asked me and I rolled my eyes and looked out the window seeing people pass by.

"Quite simple. I fell out of love and broke up with you peacefully. But because you couldn't except it" I turned back to her "You decided to bribe most of the girls in the school to say I either dated or try to get together with them. Yes I flirt a lot but I never dated anyone after you." I took a deep breath and closed my eyes before opening them again "But when I found Ollie. You decided to act up again" I sighed and saw Ollie heading towards us but I didn't even notice her entering. I got nervous and anxious when she greeted us. So I greeted back. I noticed the tension between her and Jihyo. Her nose was a little crooked cause I heard Ollie moved it with one punch.

"So Tae why were you or hanging out with her?" She asked me so I began to answer since it was easy but Jihyo cut me off and made things worse. She is so annoying.

"It's whatever I'm leaving. Tae make sure to text me and don't forget our plans tomorrow" I nodded and she left making me frown.

"Why do you always have to ruin things. I don't like you anymore and never will" I got up and grabbed my stuff and food before leaving to go home.

Seungcheol POV

When we were taking our 15 minute break I was hesitant to text Jihyo and tell her. Because I want Ollie to be happy but I also want her to be mine again. So I just stared at Jihyos conversation with me.

"So how have you been" Ollie asked me but I was still thinking.

"I've been good and you" She didn't even respond except saying it's time to practice again. I screwed up by overthinking if I should help Jihyo screw up Ollies relationship with Taeyong. We soon finished practicing and she left

"I'm so stupid" I muttered to myself when she left the room and Layed on the floor. " So stupid" I shook my head.


I have risen from my death. I'll try to update more.  I hope you guys are doing well!

  I hope you guys are doing well!

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