1 - They Wont Listen To You If They Dont Fear You

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nyctophilia; the love of darkness finding comfort in darkness

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nyctophilia; the love of darkness finding comfort in darkness

September 10th, 1997
Amora tugged at the strings on the corset of the ball gown. Ever since Dumbledore died there was monthly dances held in his honor. They would all dress up in ridiculous 1800's ball gowns and waltz around for a couple hours. Her mother had given her a gown past down what appeared to be centuries. She appreciated McGonagall for trying, Amora reckoned it was supposed to brighten everyone's spirits.


She thought.

The darkness was everywhere.

No matter how many dances the school threw or how many birthdays, warm meals, or quidditch games are held, nobody could escape it.

Most purebloods with horrid families knew how fast the war was coming, she reckoned some didn't. Most were terrified all the same. Most only coped by instilling fear, it gave them a sense of safety; control, she often noticed people liked that. It made them feel big by pushing the rest of the world into a small box.

Amora wasn't an exception. She didn't curse muggleborns in the hallways, or flaunt her family power, quite the opposite. She stated her ground, just as her mother trained her to. She walked with her head held high. It didn't take a genius to recognize the power Amora Nott held.

She was raised to act invincible, to be invincible. 'They won't listen to you if they don't fear you Amora' her mother had hissed in her ear. Mother trained her daily before hogwarts on dueling. It was her mother who told her the only way she would be safe, is if she worked for it.

She let out a sharp breath breaking out of her trance. She tugged to hard. Amora sighed as she loosened the strings slightly, tying it carefully in the back. Another skill her mother had forced upon her, corsets were second nature.

She took another look at herself in the mirror. She couldn't see her face that well, her room only being lit by a few candles. She supposed she looked fine. Tired. But fine.

Her heart skipped three beats as the door swung open behind her.

It was just Theo, she sighed.

"You ready?"

He eyed her wryly.

"Of course."

She whispered as she fixed her expression.

She'd just have to suck it up.

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