24 - Astoria

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Cafuné (Portuguese); tenderly running your fingers through someone's hair in a loving way * I didn't actually look this one up very much so it might be fake but I'm putting it anyways because I'm lazy, so let's just pretend this is real :D*

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Cafuné (Portuguese); tenderly running your fingers through someone's hair in a loving way * I didn't actually look this one up very much so it might be fake but I'm putting it anyways because I'm lazy, so let's just pretend this is real :D*


January 24th 1998
Before hogwarts Ginnys favorite color was emerald green. The moment she'd stepped in those doors it became abruptly clear by her peers green was not a color she was supposed to enjoy. When she was small her mother would take them to the hospital ward when she visited Alice and Frank Longbottom. They weren't great friends before the incident but Molly had confessed to Ginny that Alice had in fact been one of her best friends back in school. They had a falling out during the war, her mother felt guilty.

Ginny didn't see Alice nor Frank much. The twins would set up all kinds of games in the forest behind the building. They'd sit on a knitted quilt for hours whilst the sun blared gently though the trees above. Emerald green took her back to that forest. Times were simpler then, in her mind at least.

Now all green was associated with was slytherin and weirdly the light for the killing curse she dreaded ever having to meet.

Though, maybe that's why she liked the forest surrounding the cottage. It looked nearly identical to the one around the hospital, so identical sometimes when she'd lay there she'd forget that she was at the cottage at all.

In her mind, she was somewhere simple.

Amora understood the best she could, Ginny could tell it felt odd to her most likely due to her lack of well, anything as a child. Let alone simple times.

Now, as the sun blared through the trees she was not alone. Amora stood with her, the dueled with wandless magic. Ginny had mostly gotten the hand of it, putting aside a few minor slip-ups. Amora tried to control her magic, Ginny could visibly see her frustration. Until Ginnys arm got better they decided on using small dark hexes, not ones death eaters would use per say but hex's that can still physically hurt your opponent.

Amora threw a paralyzing hex, Ginny put up a shield immediately. It protected her but shattered from the force in which the hex hit. Ginny quickly cast a hex she'd read about months ago, it caused horrid migraines sometimes even causing the nose to fracture. The lion watches as she saw the snakes eyes flash as she threw one hand in the air, suddenly a vibrant blue light cast around her almost mimicking a waterfall. She would've cast another hex, though she knew better. This was a charm Amora had read to her about, though powerful it's countercurse was complex on the mind but if known how to counter it even a mere five year old could preform it. That was the charms only noticeable flaw.

Lovely | GINNY WEASLEY Where stories live. Discover now