My only love!

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A/N Okay I know this is just a filler but I felt that I wanted to put it here because I think things are going a little to fast. So, here it is. This is my longest shapter I ever written so I hope you'll enjoy this.


"I will make you forever mine so no one can take you from me" He mumbled into my neck and I started to giggle again. I felt him stop at one particular spot and I couldn't help the moan that escaped my lips.
He scraped his teeth agains the spot he would mark and it felt so good. And then, without warning, he sunk his teeth into my skin and I moaned out in both pain and pleassure but it soon went over to just pure pleasure.

When he was done he licked the wound so it would heal and then he looked at my face.

"I love you Bess" He said and I smiled up at him.

"I love you to" and when those words left my lips he pressed his lips against mine and we kisses until we fell asleap in each others arms.


Bess POV

I woke up thanks to the sun and roled over on my stomach for it to get darker. And that's when I realized I shouldn't be able to role over because a body should be next to me. I pried my eyes open and can you guess what I saw next to me?

AN EMPTY BED! Where the hell is he?!

"Looking for me?" said a voice behind me.

"Asshole." I muttered. He just laughed at me and came back and lay down beside me.

"Good morning." He said and smile at me. I returned his smile and kissed him.

"Good morning." We just lay there and looked at each other in silence.

"where did you go?" I asked. He made me worried.

"The clock is half past eleven, you've slept for a while you know. I woke up hours ago." He said and smirked at me. I stuck out my tongue at him and he just laught.

"It's your fault you know, for last night" I said and winked at him. I got out of the bed and headed for the bathroom but I only got halfway before Jason whistled at me. I turned around and said "what is it now?"

"I really like the view I have from here." He said with a smirk. I didn't understand what he meant before I looked down at myself and saw that I only wore my panties. And yes, I mean ONLY panties.

"Aw, grow up." I said and turned around and walked into the bathroom. When I was done with everything I walked into the bedroom, still just in panties, but when I steped in there was more guys than before. Everyone turned my way when they heard me and I put my arms over my breast as soon as I could but I'm sure they got a good look. Jason walked up to me to cover me up.'

"Okay, get out." He said to them and I saw how they smirked and tried to steal a glance of me again. Perverts!

"OUT!" His voice was so low and full of power that even I got frightened and this time they listened and got out.

When they was out he turned to me.

"How comes you didn't heard them?" He said and I looked up at his eyes and saw them being pitch black. Oh great, his wolf is out.

"I didn't focus on that and I didn't thought anyone would be in here." I said and got a little annoyed with him now. I think he noticed because he lifted me up in his arms and carried me to the bed once again. He put me down and then climb on top of me and I can still se that his wolf is out. I love him to but he can be tuff to handle sometimes.

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