Chapter 3

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Mongols had invaded the tribe and stormed into the main tent, interrupting the feast. Everyone stood up and got out their weapons. The Mongol commander looked carefully at everyone in the tent, he then turned to Ilbilge Hatun and said "Who is this beautiful Hatun? Perhaps I should take her and make her my slave". The Mongolian commander leaned forward to touch Ilbilge Hatun however at that moment, Ertugrul took out his dagger and cut off the commander's hand. The severed hand lay on the floor of the tent. Ahsen grimaced as she watched from a distance. 

Later that night, Halime was in her and Ertugrul's tent, getting ready for bed, when Ertugrul walked in."My gazelle eyes, I haven't talked to you all day" he said, leaning forward to kiss Halime on the forehead. Halime looked down and backed away from him. "Halime, are you angry at me?, come sit down and tell me what's wrong" Ertugrul asked with a confused look on his face. "Perhaps you should sit down and have a chat with Ilbilge Hatun instead of with me" Halime said bitterly. Ertugrul slightly rolled his eyes and tried not to laugh. "Halime, why are you jealous of Ilbilge Hatun?"he asked with a slight smile on his face. "I am not my Bey, it's just that you did not even hesitate to cut off that Mongolian commander's hand for a woman you don't even know, you could have stopped him some other way, would you have done the same for me?"Halime questioned. "ENOUGH! that's enough Halime, for you I would have not only cut off one of the commander's hands, I would have first cut off both of his hands and then his head, there is nothing between me and Ilbilge Hatun, stop questioning me" Ertugrul replied harshly, he then proceeded to turn on his side and go to sleep. Halime quickly  wiped tears forming in her eyes before they trickled down her cheeks, and went to sleep. 

The next morning, Ahsen was walking around the tribe as she always does as soon as she wakes up. She saw her mother storming out of the tent, looking upset, so she decided to go to her and ask her why. "Ana, why are you so upset this early in the morning?"she asked. "Kizim, this Ilbilge Hatun is annoying me so much, who does she think she is? and your father doesn't even know this woman and he cuts off a man's hand just because he tried to touch her on the shoulder! I've had enough, I must talk to Selcan" Halime ranted and started walking away. Ahsen stopped her. "Wait Ana, talk to me, I'll try to help you" Ahsen explained sweetly. "No Kizim, you are too young to understand, leave me be for some time" Halime responded. Once Halime had left, Ahsen muttered to herself "Ana is very jealous of Ilbilge Hatun, finally something interesting happens in the tribe". Ahsen kept walking until she saw her older brother Gunduz and her younger brothers Savci and Osman. "Good morning my annoying brothers" she teased. "Good morning my rude and irritating sister" Gunduz replied. Savci and Osman laughed. Ahsen mocked their laughs and rolled her eyes. "Ahsen Abla, watch us train, come on" Osman said. Ahsen followed them to the Alps' training ground, and watched them sword fight with other alps. She cheered them on and smiled kindly at Osman. When Savci made a mistake, Ahsen went over to help him. She corrected his technique and said "Not like this, hold the sword like that..."when she was interrupted by one of Gunduz's friends. "Hatun, you should tell Savci to hold the sword from slightly lower so he has more power" he said. Ahsen began speaking "Yes slightly lower but you see.." she then looked up at the person who had given her this advice, she paused slightly, staring into his hazel eyes, then she continued speaking "You are correct, but who are you?". "Omer, and you are Ahsen, right?"Omer replied. "Yes, I am Ahsen" Ahsen said, she smiled kindly as she did. 

Later that day, Ahsen was sitting in the main tent with Ertugrul Bey and Hayme Ana and eating a meal with them. Osman, Savci, and Gunduz walked in, laughing. "Yes, I am Ahsen" Osman was mocking what Ahsen had said earlier that day and laughing loudly. "You are correct, but who are you" Savci added, again mocking Ahsen's voice. Ahsen rolled her eyes. "Osman, Savci what is all this about? When did Ahsen say these things? Why are you teasing her?" Ertugrul Bey asked with a slight smile on his face. "You should ask Ahsen, Baba" Osman replied. Ertugrul Bey looked at Ahsen and Ahsen understood that she needed to speak. "Baba, I didn't do anything, I was talking to someone and they told me their name and they said you are Ahsen right? so I said yes I am Ahsen. Is that not correct?" Ahsen protested. "Alright Ahsen, calm down, just ignore your brothers" Ertugrul replied. Hayme Ana laughed. "You were not talking to someone Abla, you were talking to Omer"Osman teased. "So what Osman? Can I not talk to anyone? I don't even know him, I just said my name is Ahsen, he was giving Savci advice on how to hold a sword"Ahsen replied. "Omer"Osman repeated. "Why are you saying his name again?" Ahsen asked, rolling her eyes. "Just to see you blush when you hear his name, it's very funny Abla"Osman responded. Ahsen went bright red. Ahsen got up and left the room, and just as she was about to open the door of the main tent, someone walked in, it was Halime. 

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