Chapter 12

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"Sultan'm, I'm begging you! Sultan'm please let me marry Ahsen!"Omer wailed. "Enough! does it suit a Seljuk prince to come in front of the Seljuk sultan, crying and complaining"Sultan Giyaseddin scolded. Omer was about to speak but a voice interrupted him. "Sultan'm, Ertugrul Bey is the margrave Bey of these lands. He is a highly respected man. Omer and Ahsen love each other. Halime Sultan is part of the Seljuk dynasty. Omer is a Seljuk prince, he can marry multiple times if needed, our religion and tradition allow this! Please accept our son's wishes otherwise I will go and speak to Halime Sultan myself"the voice said. It was the voice of Omer's mother, Melike Sultan. Omer smiled at his mother and then turned to his father who was thinking deeply.  "Fine Hatun, go ahead, but don't involve me too much in this matter. You will go to Kayi tribe and ask Halime Sultan for her daughter's hand in marriage for Omer"Sultan Giyaseddin said to Melike Sultan. "Alright Sultan'm, thank you, May Allah bless you with a long life"Melike Sultan replied. Omer kissed his father's hand and thanked him. 

Meanwhile at Kayi tribe, everyone was eating dinner in the tent. Irene was there as well. "Irene, why aren't you eating your food"Gunduz asked her. "I have to make sure your darling sister didn't poison it!"Irene replied while rolling her eyes at Ahsen. "Kizim! You are our guest, so act like a guest!"Selcan Hatun roared. Ahsen put her hand on Selcan's arm and reassured her. "Don't worry Irene, Ahsen won't be cooking that many meals from now on, so you don't have to worry about getting poisoned. Obviously in the palace she will have many servants to cook for her"Gunduz replied while snorting. Ahsen glared at Gunduz and said "Jealous much?". Gunduz rolled his eyes and continued eating his food. At this moment, Irene got up and announced she was leaving the tribe because she couldn't stand Ahsen's attitude. Everyone laughed at her, including Ertugrul Bey and watched as Gunduz chased after Irene. "Leave them, Ahsen, my beautiful daughter, tell me, are you getting married to a prince"Halime teased. Ahsen blushed and Hayme Ana patted her shoulder. "My sister's face is as red as the tomato she put in this soup"Osman teased. Everyone laughed. "When you fall in love, you will understand Osman"Ertugrul explained. Then, he looked at Halime lovingly, and Halime blushed just like Ahsen. "Ahsen could become the wife of a Sultan!"Savci exclaimed. Everyone laughed again. "That's true, son, that's true"Halime said while giggling. "Ahsen, why are you silent?"Ertugrul asked Ahsen. "Baba, everyone is getting excited about a marriage that isn't confirmed. Do you think the great and powerful Seljuk Sultan will make me, a simple nomad girl become the wife of his son"Ahsen replied. "Ahsen, you are not a simple nomad girl. You are the margrave Bey's daughter, and if Omer really loves you, he will fight for his love."Ertugrul explained. Ahsen smiled hesitantly. 

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