-Chapter 1: The Battle Of Hogwarts-

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Helllo! This is the first chapter of my new Remus and Tonks story! So I hope you enjoy this story! If you know anyone who likes reading Remadora books do tag them :)


Silence... she heard no screaming or the shouts of spells being cast, it was all just complete silent. Her body felt as if it were on fire, a constant and very sharp thudding echoed throughout her head. As she gradually opened her eyes, she immediately closed her eyes and grimaced in agony as she felt the light blinding her.

Tensing her fist, she forced her eyes open again yet more slowly. The room was dim apart from the streak of light shining through the half-destroyed door. As Tonks felt herself becoming more conscious she heard the sound of footsteps and whispering growing louder.

Dora grunted as she used the remaining of her strength to sit up despite the pain that flared through her body as she strained herself to stand. Sitting up with all of her remaining power she saw a familiar face standing at the doorway watching her intently.

"Nymphadora... are you alright?" Minerva immediately asked, a surge of relief watching the young women sit up.

It had been a while since they had found her buried underneath rubble near the Astronomy Tower. She had been quite worried when she had seen her being carried into the classroom. Some many students who she watched grow up... were gone. Tears had started to form in Minerva's eyes as she had first looked at the number of injured students and the amounts of wizards and witches who sacrificed their lives. She wouldn't be able to bear the thought of Dora's newborn son becoming an orphan as Harry had been. There was no news about Remus, a couple of students had seen him last battling Dolohov near to the Astronomy Tower.

"I've been better" Tonks muttered not acknowledging the use of her first name drawing Minerva from her thoughts. Her voice came out quite hoarse and croaky as she inhaled dust coughing quite vigorously.

As her coughs settled, looking around the room, as her eyes adjusted to the low light, she recognised the room she was in. It was one of the defence against the dark arts classroom, although it was hardly recognisable with its walls crumbling and all furniture destroyed by the fallen rubble.

"I'll go see if Madam Pomfrey is free" Professor McGonagall smiled tenderly as she left the room.

Glimpsing around the room, Dora's heart sped. Around her were nearly several people, some were wounded though some... some were lifeless, wizards, students and death eaters alike.

Her thoughts immediately fell to Lupin, she had seen him last on the Astronomy tower battling Dolohov before the last thing she remembered was her Aunt throwing curses at her before everything had gone pitch black...

No... she couldn't lose him. He promised to stay with her, he couldn't just leave her like that. He swore her wouldn't leave her or her son, Teddy. Her eyes began to glisten as she frantically glanced around the room once more.

As leaned against the stone bricks she shoved herself up, she felt as if her body was been hit by stones, each joint as she moved sending a shock of pain through her body. Her head thudded with each step she took.

"Sit down dear," a voice told as they entered the room.

"Remus?" She asked her eyes averting to the person, her heart fell as they exposed themselves from the murky shadows.

"Not quite dear, but sit down," Madam Pomfrey answered in a severe tone as she looked upon the young women covered in injuries and wounds struggling to stand.

"But..." Tonks opposed before she almost collapsed as Madam Pomfrey came to her side holding her gently up. She began to cough vigorously as she held onto Madam Pomfrey.

"You can stand up once I've checked you, you had taken a lot of damage from the rubble that had fallen onto you" Madam Pomfrey scolded sternly making Dora sit back down instantly.Tonks leant against the cold brick walls of the classroom, an immediate prick on her back making her wince in pain as she jolted forward.

Madam Pomfrey sighed as she observed Tonks, kneeling beside her.

"Your very lucky, nothing vital was hurt, though your wounds are deep. You need to sit" She said harshly watching the young witch in deep thought as she placed her hand on Dora's bare shoulder.

"Have you seen Remus?" Tonks asked ignoring the pain aching through her body, her voice coming out a whisper.

Madam Pomfrey sighed "I haven't yet seen him dear, but if I do I'll be sure to tell you" her face showed pity as she saw Tonks's eyes glisten.

Gently flicking her wand, she cast a spell to stop or at least lessen the pain.

"Do you feel any better?" She questioned tenderly placing her hand on the small of her back.

Tonks gently nodded giving a small smile, as she took a deep breath "is it.. is it all over" she asked hoarsely her eyes left the floor as her fingers.

"We've won, we won it. You know who is dead" Madam Pomfrey whispered a grin grew across her face.

Tonks face lit, after everything they won...

"Madam Pomfrey" a voice shouted from the room across the hallway."You can move if you're certain you feel better, though your in no state to move at the moment, you understand?" She said again in a rigid tone though when Tonks nodded she gave a small smile before swiftly leaving the room.

"Thank you Madam Pomfrey" Tonks smiled quietly as Madam Pomfrey returned the smile before disappearing into the shadows.

Though all Tonks could think about was Remus, her deepest fears manipulated ugly pictures inside of her head. As she felt the effects of Madam Pomfrey's spell she wanted to go search for Remus but she couldn't muster the energy to stand. She felt herself loosing to the pain in her body, as she closed her eyes everything seemed to become fine as she felt herself slip back into sleep.

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter! Any votes and comments would be appreciated!!

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