-Chapter 5: First Day Back-

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Remus gave a slight smile watching as his wife tried her best to feed Teddy. She smiled as Teddy ate the last spoon of his food. Peering over to Remus she noticed his uneasiness.

"Remus, what's wrong?" She asked placing her hand on top of his as she kept the bowl aside.

His eyes left the floor and peered into hers.

"The day after is a full moon" he uttered, an anxious look formed on his face.

"Remus, don't worry. You'll be fine" Dora gave a reassuring smile squeezing his hand gently.

It had only a week since the Battle Of Hogwarts and the wizarding world still was healing. They had moved into a small flat nearer to the Ministry of Magic so Tonks could go to her job more easily once things returned back to normal.

"But what if I hurt you, what if I hurt Teddy" he spoke in a harsher tone.

"Remus" she sighed pulling Teddy tenderly into her lap.

Remus couldn't help but grin as his son stretched out to him

"see Teddy think so too" she beamed extending her arms out.

Remus hugged Teddy, certainly over the past week he had grown more confident to hold Teddy though he still worried a bit when he did. Tonks smiled watching as Teddy held onto Remus gently pulling his hair.

"I'll see you two in the evening" Tonks smiled as Remus' face was replaced with a frown.

"Do you have to go" he whined like a small child which made Tonks chuckle.

"Yes Remus, Kingsley wants to start to get the ministry back together." Dora smiled planting a small peck on Remus' lips as well as Teddy's cheek.

"Bye love" Remus smiled watching as the front door locked leaving him and Teddy in the apartment.

After a few minutes of silence as Remus finished his breakfast, he looked to his son in arms nuzzling his head into the crook of his neck.

He watched as Teddy moved away from his neck scrunching his face as the light shone directly in his direction.

He watched as Teddy's face contorted and preparing for the worst shut his eyes waiting to hear the cries of his son. After a few seconds when none came he opened his eyes watching Teddy as he changed the colour of his hair once more.

"You like changing your hair colour don't you" Remus smiled watching as it went from his normal aqua to a dark brown to pink then to green before returning to its normal aqua colour.

Teddy gurgled letting out a long yawn.
"Already tired?" Remus chuckled booping him on the nose.


Tonks collapsed into her chair, she had spent the last few hours doing back to back work. Her eyes travelled to the clock on the side of the wall- it was only 1 in the afternoon she still had 5 hours left.

"Hello Tonks," a voice said in a warm toneShe shifted her head from her hands as she saw a tried Mr Weasly standing near to the door...

He certainly hadn't been getting any sleep, he looked quite worn out.

"Hello, Mr Weasly" Tonks gave a small smile "How's Mrs Weasly?"

"S-she is alright. She still a bit upset but..." he sighed leaning against the wall letting out a sigh.

"I'm sorry" Tonks regretted seeing the distressed look form on his face.

"How's Remus and Teddy?" He quickly shifted the subject forcing a smile onto his face.

"Teddy has been changing his hair colour quite a lot. Remus- he's getting used to having someone being with him at all time. I think in a good way too" Dora smiled.

Though at the back of her mind she was quite worried about how Remus was handling being alone with Teddy.

Before he could answer, Tonks heard her name being shouted from the office.

"Looks like your needed" Mr Weasly chuckled as Tonks groaned in tiredness giving a small chuckle at his remark.

"Tell the kids I said hello and Mrs Weasly too!" Tonks grinned before hurriedly speeding off to the office.

Harry had decided to stay at the Burrow with the Weasly family but Hermione had gone back to her parents until Hogwarts was repaired.

As she entered the room she was met with Kinglsey Shaklebolt who seemed as exhausted as she was. The desk where he sat was filled to the brim with paperwork which she knew wasn't going to be a fun time reading and signing them all.


"Hello!" Remus laughed moving his hands away from his face as he watched Teddy form a smile at the entertainment Remus was giving.

He had been covering his face and uncovering it and saying hello as he discovered Teddy quite enjoyed it.

Lunch was quite hard on the other hand. Teddy was quite keen not to open his mouth whenever Remus would try to feed him. Though after nearly an hour he had managed to feed him and now was playing peek-a-boo with him.

He glanced at the clock, Tonks would be back in a few hours, but he couldn't believe how quick the time had gone.

"Perhaps you should take a nap, Teddy," he beamed pulling the blanket from the crib as he shut the curtains.


Tonks quietly pushed the door, she could hear no noise from the flat and had assumed the two were asleep. Exhausted she pushed the door to the bedroom open.

As she opened it she saw Remus playing something with Teddy, a huge smile formed on her face.

"Seems like you two have been having fun" she chirped said Remus turned immediately to Tonks.

"Dora!" He smiled standing from the kneeling position beside the crib.

"How was work" he beamed wrapping his arms around her.

She could tell he was definitely in a pleasant mood.

"Exhausting" she gave a weary look to Remus.

The gurgles of Teddy caught their attention

"what have you two been doing all day?"

Remus face filled with embarrassment as he looked at the grin on Tonks' face "you looked so cute when you were playing with him" she grinned.

"I-I" he stammered unable to produce words for some reason causing Dora to chuckle."You look even cuter when you stammer" she smirked kneeling down beside the crib as she placed a kiss on Teddy's cheek.


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