Chapter 8: Green Bean Spills The Beans

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It's finally the end of the day.

I slowly mosey out of the school grounds towards the school entrance gate. I start thinking about what exactly happened today. Letting my brain slowly process and distinguish between the massive input of new information. Tucking it all into neat shelves in my brain, except for a few things that keep bugging me.

What is USJ?

What is the deal with Midoriya and All Might's Quirks?

What is One for ALL?

The way I've trained myself to think and process information, especially in my walk of life. Let the questions come, even if you can't answer them now, do the groundwork, and you will.

USJ: Though technically hasn't been on my mind as of currently still raises a few points in my brain. It could mean a variety of things, a place, object, event, or even a person. The next thing I have to think about is my source, the entity clearly has access to information from the future, and chose to pass it on to me. Why? Is this something I can trust? What intentions or personal vendetta's do these particular spirits have? if they even have them at all? What has the entity have to gain out of this?

The shadow figure has no discernable identity that I can easily pinpoint, making the search for background histories such as dates, times, significant events, possible motives, places, and general information about the entities' living years incredibly difficult. Which overall creates a massive grey area which unless I have credible sources to fill in the gaps, wouldn't be answered.

I can never fully trust spirits who I can't find a motive for. In my line of work, I cannot afford to make mistakes, if I trusted every bit of information, I receive from the spiritual plane I could potentially help convict the wrong person for murder.

Fucking up every chance I have to become a hero and fulfilling my dream.

The way I can tell a spirit has ill intentions is by the way they communicate with me or act around me. I have often had times where spirits haven't shown themselves for months, but I feel them around me constantly. That usually is an indication that they are watching how I work and the way I use my quirk, allowing them time to meticulously plan and plant specific information in hopes of gaining my trust, as a way to influence me to do certain things. From what I've learned however spirits can only tell how aware of them I am based on whether I can see them or not. If I'm at 30 percent I might see for example a woman who had been murdered brutally and looks distraught, but if I raise my quirk up to 40 percent that woman has morphed and changes to be something else entirely.

This is why my work is SO dangerous. Occasionally during cases, people have questioned me about whether spirits can be trusted, and whether their sources are accurate at all. So In order to protect me and filter out the negative energies or lower vibrations, I have to raise my own.

Energy Vibrations:

A term used to describe energy, every single living/non-living thing has a certain level of energy, essentially everyone is on a spectrum of high and low energy. For the living, this is more describing people who are either energy vampires and use others for personal gain. Or people who have a brighter personality, are inspiring, or generally make others feel good and energized. Aura's are a great way to identify whether a person's vibration is low, medium, or high. But auras don't completely define people. Vibrational levels can change depending on diet, emotional state, change, trauma, etc. They're a constantly changing variable.

However, for the dead or those of the spiritual plane, their vibration is far more defining of their character. In essence, the immediate feeling one gets from a spirit, say it's light and warm, is a higher vibration, whilst if it's heavy, stagnant, and draining, is a lower vibration, though it's possible for spirits to fake this sensation, if Medium is raised by another 10 percent or more, then the true identity of the vibration is automatically revealed.

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