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CHARLIE SWAN HAD opened the door with a huge grin on his face, giving a wave to Nixon before he drove away

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CHARLIE SWAN HAD opened the door with a huge grin on his face, giving a wave to Nixon before he drove away.

"Nova Kairo! My god you've grown, you probably don't remember me as much."

"Of course, I remember you, Chief Swan." Nova replied politely. All of her friends' parents she had met had always loved her due to how polite and kind she was.

"You can call me Charlie, don't be silly kid. Now come in, I'm so glad Bella is finally trying to make some more friends. I'm sick of her just hanging around that boyfriend of hers," Nova giggles in response.

"You don't like him?" Charlie rolls his eyes before messing up Nova's hair. Bell had come down the stairs and gave the Kairo girl a friendly smile.

"Hey, Nova. Let's go to my room." Nova waved goodbye to Charlie before following Bella up the stairs to her room. The Swan house was so family like and cute, Nova loved it. The girls had sat on Bella's bed for a while, talking about their day and Nova had to lie and pretend it was good.

"So, where in Arizona are you from? Jake told me you moved from there. I did too, like two years ago," Bella started.

"Tucson, you?"

"Phoenix. Shame you didn't live closer." Bella awkwardly replied. Nova studied the girl and realised she actually liked her. The pale girl seemed misunderstood and lonely. She was glad she could be of a friend to her, but she didn't necessarily want to make this a regular thing. Bella then brought up the topic of why Nova had moved here.

"My best friend passed away a few months ago. It's been rough and my mum decided to pack my sister and I up and send us to live with our grandfather while her and my dad travelled for a bit. It's a long story," Nova sighed and Bella frowned.

"Oh. I'm really sorry for your loss Nova. I can't relate to that part but if it makes you feel any better - my mum also sent me to live here with Charlie. Her and my step dad are travelling for his baseball and she decided I needed somewhere stable to finish schooling and stuff. But honestly, it was the best decision she's ever made." Nova smiled at the girl, knowing it had to be because of her boyfriend.

"So, tell me about Edward!" Nova requested, wanting to know what was so special about this boy and change the subject.

"I don't even know where to start," Bell gushed - her pale cheeks reddening. "It was a bit of a rocky start and to be honest, it still is. But I know that Edward would die for me; and I would die for him too. I can really see myself spending forever with him." Nova smiled at the girl who seemed lost in trance talking about Edward. Of course, Nova had shared a few fair relationships with boys, but none to the length she could see herself doing what Bella was. She wondered what that type of love felt like.

"That sounds lovely."

"It is. You should totally meet him sometime. His family too; they've all changed my life so much. I really think you'd like them." Nova nodded, agreeing to Bella's plan although there was no date set. "Just, don't let Jacob change your mind about them. They're good people, just misunderstood." Nova then remembered Jake telling her to stay away from the Cullen's. But Nova also understood the feeling of being misunderstood and you should always give people a chance.

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