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NOVA FROWNED AT her appearance in the mirror before sighing. Her skin looked patchy from all the crying she had been doing the past few days and she looked paler than ever, making her self-conscious. She couldn't be bothered trying to tame her mane she calls hair, instead letting her curls roam free. The weather outside reciprocated her mood, rainy and cold. Nova decided on a black turtleneck and a pair of baggy blue jeans, displeased with herself but couldn't find the motivation to change.

Nixon called for his sisters to hurry up and that he would leave without them. Nova rolled her eyes, grabbing her bag and heading downstairs. She had slept in, so she didn't have time to eat breakfast. Kit urged the girl to stay home, insisting that she still had a fever, and she should rest up.

But dare Nova say it, she wanted to see Paul. Despite the state of her, she was surprised from Paul's visit and hoped that it could possibly lead to a good friendship. The ride to school was silent on Nova's behalf, she spent it looking out the window into the rainy forest. Her thoughts occupied by one specific boy. The ride was faster than Nova anticipated, then jumping out of the car and waving goodbye to her brother and agreeing to see her sister later and making her way over to where she believed Paul's locker was.

The raven-haired girl was stopped in her tracks when she saw the muscular build of the boy she couldn't get out of her head, but her chest deflated when she saw Paul with his arm against the locker and lips hovering over another girl. Nova couldn't help but stare as she watched his lips meet another girl who was undeniably beautiful. She watched as his hand cupped her cheek and watched as she couldn't help but wish that was her.

Nova was snapped from her chance when a warm hand was placed on her shoulder and forcing her to turn around. She was met by a concerned Embry who felt his heart breaking by looking at the girl in front of him.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stare," She begun but Embry hushed her, telling her not to apologise. He knew what Paul did last night – going to Nova's house, getting her chocolates and letting her warmup to him just to make her put up her walls again. Embry wished he could tell Nova she deserved better – she did. Oh God, she did. But she was his soulmate, there was no denying that. Instead, Embry just pulled her into a hug. Nova blinked away the unwelcoming tears and wrapped her arms around Embry, she wasn't aware until now how much she needed this.

Embry pulled away from the girl, his heart breaking at the sight of her. "Sorry, I'm still not feeling the best, to be honest." She forced a laugh, trying to look anywhere but the big brown puppy dog eyes that Embry wore. Embry held a hand to her forehead and then pulled it away in shock.

"Jesus, Nova. You're burning up." He frowns, taking in her fatigue appearance. "Are you sure you should be here?"

"Probably not," she started, her eyes wondering back to where Paul and the mystery girl had been and noticing they weren't there anymore. "I was excited to see someone."

"Her name is Isla," Embry begun, leading her towards the class they shared together. "Paul's on and off again girlfriend. She's nice. But they're toxic."

"Is that supposed to make me feel better?" Nova grunted. She was pretty and nice, there wasn't much to argue with.

Embry shrugged in response. "Just wanted to give you the rundown, she's around a lot."

If she's around a lot, what was he doing at my house last nights with chocolates? She thought but sighed the thoughts away right before the bell rung.

"Let's get going, I can't be late again. I can't afford another detention." Embry spoke, placing a hand on her back and guiding her to class. The first couple hours of the day went by so agonizingly slowly, all Nova wanted to do was go home, curl into a ball on her bed and never get up again. Her fever was still there, her back beginning to ache. After hours of rotating classes and small talk with Embry and Jacob, it was finally lunch.

Her head was thumping, she wished she had listened to Kit and stayed home, she was only getting worse by the minute. She followed Jacob quietly into the loud, over filled lunchroom and found their way to the table where the rest of Jacob's friends were, only to be met by Isla sitting happily in Paul's lap, playing with his hair and laughing obnoxiously. Jared and Kim sat snuggly together and Asa and Seth were in their own little world. Quil and Embry had started bickering about something Nova shared no interest in, and Jacob joined in. Nova had sat at the end of the table, picking at her food while everyone conversed with everyone besides her. They wouldn't even notice if she were gone. So that's what she did.

Throwing the rest of her untouched lunch in the bin, she walked out of the cafeteria and sighed. She knows she had to engage in conversation herself, but today just felt off. She felt neglected and unwanted. Unsure on where to go and her fever only getting worse, she made her way to the exit and decided to sit outside. The day was gloomy and dark, but the rain had stopped for now. Sitting down at an empty table, she sighed in her hands and wondered if her new friends didn't like her already.

"Beautiful day, isn't it?" Her thoughts were interrupted by her favourite teacher smiling and taking a seat across from her.

"If you consider depressing to be beautiful, then sure." She joked, giving him a small smile.

"What's up, kid? You don't look the best."

"Bad day. Still not feeling the best, as well." Mr. Reid frowned at the response.

"You got a free period next?" She nodded. "Head on home, I'll sign you out."

As much as she wanted to jump at the offer, she remembered that her one of her teachers today had announced a paper. She needed to study and head to the library.

"Figured I'd use the free to study. Need to go to the library." She sighed, just as the bell rung. The teacher and student stood up together, heading towards the door.

"Ah, I see. Well, if you need tomorrow off or any other day, don't be shy. Your mental and physical health come first. He spoke, nodding her in direction. She responded by smiling sincerely at the man before heading towards the school library.

Was it bad that her only friend happened to be her teacher?

Giving a small smile to the librarian who just eyed her down, she headed towards the back and got the books she needed until a section had caught her eye. Looking into the aisle, the sign above it read TRIBAL HISTORIES. She hadn't seen this aisle before and considering the stories her uncle tells her – she wanted to know more. She loved learning about the stories of her tribe.

She scanned over the books before a certain symbol stood out to her. She grabbed the book and recognised the symbol instantly; it was the one Nixon and Paul both had tattooed on their upper arms. Nova was finally going to find out what it meant.


Hi beauties! So sorry I haven't updated in so long and that chapter is pretty pathetic. I don't know if I mentioned it before but  I wrote up to chapter 20 and forgot to save it, fair to say I was super upset and didn't want to write for a bit, not to mention I also forgot all of what I wrote. I'm slowly getting my motivation back, though!

Also, if any of you are The Walking Dead fans, I'm going to be coming out with a Negan fic soon! Check it out! And don't forget to comment and vote, it motivates me! xxxx

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2021 ⏰

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