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When they got home Dudley is freezing and Petunia tried to calm Dudley down. Vernon was furious at Harry."What happened!?" "- I swear I don't know" said Harry."one minute the glass was there and it was gone, it was like magic. Vernon the locked harry inside the cupboard." There's no such thing as magic" Vernon said before walking to Dudley.Dudley was smiling proudly while Petunia is getting a photo of Dudley in his school uniform. Petunia and Vernon was talking about how proud they are with their son Dudley. "Will I have to wear that too?" Asked harry. Petunia then looked at harry and said. "What? You? Going to Smiltings?" Harry then nodded. The whole Dursley family laughed at Harry."your going to go to the states school where you belong. This is wat you'll be wearing if I'm finish dyeing it." Said Petunia. "But that's Dudley's old uniform it fits me like bits of elephant skin." "It'll fit you well enough. Go get the post. Go!" Harry then went to get the post. Harry was looking at the post then saw his name. Harry walked inside the kitchen then gave Vernon the post."aunt Marge is I'll. Ate a funny whelk". Said uncle Vernon. Dudley realized that Harry was reading a letter that is sent to him. Dudley grab the letter from Harry's hands and shouted "Dad look! Harry's got a letter!" "Hey give it back! Its mine!" Harry replied. When uncle Vernon saw who sent Harry the letter he was in shock.Days has passed still someone is sending letters to harry. And Vernon will always rip them apart or throw them in the bin. Harry Is locked up in the cupboard. When Petunia bid Goodbye to Vernon they were shocked to see owls in top of the car and drive way." Shoo! Go one." Vernon said. Petunia was tapping Vernon's shoulder. Vernon looked at his wife and see what she's looking at. It was letters for harry from Hogwarts.The Dursley family is going crazy about this letters so they decided to go somewhere far from Privet Drive. It was the night of Harry's 11th birthday. Dudley was sleeping in the couch while Harry was sleeping at the floor. Harry drew a birthday cake for him self and blowed the sand candles when it reached 12AM. Then a big bushy haired man showed up. The door fell to the ground. The Dursley's woke up from the loud bang. " sorry about that" the man said. Then he fixed the door. "I demand you to leave at once. Your destroying and entering!" Then the man walked up and bend the sniper Vernon was holding." Dry up Dursley, you great prune." " I haven't seen you since you we're a baby, Harry" the guy said to Dudley." Um.. I'm not Harry" Dudley replied. "I-I am" " well ofcourse you are. Got something for you." The man said and gave him a cake box. Harry opened the box and was happy because someone had baked him a cake for his birthday. "Thank you" "well it's not everyday you turn 11." The man then sat down In the couch and got his umbrella and started a fire in the chimney." Excuse me who are you?" Harry asked while putting the cake aside."Rubeus Hagrid, keeper of keys and Grounds at Hogwarts. Of course you know all about Hogwarts." "Sorry no" " no? Didn't you wonder where your mum and dad learned it all?" " learnt what?" "Your a wizard Harry" "I'm a what?" Harry asked confused. "A wizard" " no you mad a mistake I can't be a wizard. I mean I'm just Harry, Harry Potter." "Well just Harry never wonder why something happened when your angry or scared?" Hagrid said standing up and walking through the door. But before that he gave Harry a letter. Harry read the letter out loud." He will not be going there. We swear we put an end to this rubbish. "Vernon said. "You knew all along?" Harry asked. "Ofcourse we knew. How could you not be? My perfect sister being who she was. My mother and father are so proud when she got her letter. "We have a witch in our family. Isn't wonderful?" I was the only one who sees her on what she was. A freak! Then she met that Potter...and she had you.. who will be the same..strange and abnormal. Then she got blown up and we ended up with u" Petunia said. "Blown up! You said my parents died in a car accident!" "A car accident! Killed lily and James Potter?" "He's not going " " this boy is magical since he was born. He will go to the finest school of magic there is." While this is happening Dudley was caught eating Harry's cake. Hagrid Spelled a pig tale on him. Vernon and Petunia freaked out while Harry laughed." I'll appreciate it when you don't tell anyone in Hogwarts about this... we better be off." Then Hagrid went to the door. "Unless you rather stay ofcourse ." Harry then followed Hagrid.

Srry for late update i was lazy and at this point ALL credit goes to my friend who does all i just copy paste it hahah for real dow 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2021 ⏰

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