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Thoth p.o.v
When I felt her soft lips on my own lips, I was too shocked for words, I had stumbled backwards and the next thing I know is that she had gone, I did know what that kiss meant though she had romantic feelings for me, and the kiss confirmed that I felt the same way but how can I show her that without coming off as a perverted god.

Everyone had been at the school now for the best part of four months and yui was making friends with the gods which made lessons go smoother, they had after school clubs, yui had joined the astronomy club with Hades the Greek god of the underworld, but it was not always smooth sailing with it.

Like with most things it was up and down, pranks were being pulled by Loki norse god of fire and mischievous, the other gods either chased him around or were too busy minding there own business.

Yui p.o.v
When I had realised what month was coming up I spoke up and said "valentines day is coming up soon", I could see everyone look at me as I had spoken up in class, thoth-sama answered "care to explain the interruption to my class miss kusanagi? Come to the library after class" I had gulped and waited for the bell to ring for the end of class, once class was finished thoth-sama did not wait he had headed straight for the library and I followed him.

Once I was in the library I was pinned against the bookcase which contained  romance novels, the bookcase was tall and nearly touched the ceiling, I looked at thoth wondering why he pinned me and waited for him to speak.

Thoth p.o.v
Once I had her pinned against the bookcase I asked, "what is valentines day?", she looked at me and replied "valentines day is a day for couples, normally it is celebrated by males giving gifts to females of their affection for love", I had felt so stupid despite being the god of knowledge, love was something I was not interested in, I mean until I met this one female, a pain in my chest happened when she said males give gifts, so I asked "has any males given you a romantic gift on valentines day?"

She shock her head I felt relieved then she said "my father says I am oblivious to it, I was more interested in reading, studying and my swordsmanship", I chuckled at that and then curious I asked "what sort of things are required for valentines day?" She thought for a moment and answered "I do not think anything special is required for it, I remember my father giving my mother a card, chocolates and a bunch of roses".

I knew of a field of wild carnations which in my own opinion are better than roses I just did not know what else to do so I had asked "what other things are given on this valentines day?".

Yui responded "well lots of things are given on valentines day, like chocolate, flowers, Teddy bears, jewellery, cards, and sometimes if the mood is right then well couples in a serious relationship tend to be more intermit with each other", I saw her face blush as red as a tomato again when she said that even I blushed slightly at the comment, knowing full well what she meant by that.

So after the conversation yui had with thoth about Valentines day, the other gods where also curious so she filled them in as well but leaving out the being intermit part, meanwhile thoth was talking to zeus about allowing him and yui out of the garden just for one evening or if he could create a romantic place that the other gods could not get to.
Thoth p.o.v

Zeus spoke "so why are you asking me for this thoth, you have never asked me for anything, so why now?"

So I answered him "because zeus I am in love with the human kusanagi yui, I want to make her mine, she has taught me something I had very little knowledge on, and that is embarrassing for me, so I want to give her something special in return, I want to give her a wonderful valentines day where I can tell her how serious I am about her"

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