Chapter One

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Tomoyo ignored the blatant stares and hushed whispers as she headed towards the student council office. She thought she'd gotten used to the unwarranted attention by now, but the steady increase of gossip and the unrelenting questions just left her exasperated. Fighting the urge to glare at the two girls who were eying her whilst giggling, Tomoyo turned a corner. Still unsafe from the eyes of her peers, she was greeted again by knowing smiles and excited murmurs. Glad she had the self-control of a monk, Tomoyo tried her best not to run off towards her destination. The student council office was just a few meters away and within it, she would finally be free of the prying public.

Reaching for the handle, she slid the door open, slipping herself in without so much as a greeting. She released a relieved sigh at the resounding shut that reached her ears.

"Is something the matter, Daidouji-san?"

Tomoyo's eyes darted towards the voice. She wouldn’t exactly call their office large, but it was spacious enough to house the entire student council. It housed several work cubicles for the staff, and one main table by the glass window that oversaw the school. Her eyes landed on the lone figure in the room, hands busy signing documents. His gaze never left the scribbles he was making on the pristine parchment.

"It’s nothing, Hiiragizawa-san. Nothing at all."

It wasn't as if Tomoyo hated Eriol, but she didn't particularly like him either. Sure he was hardworking and charismatic as a leader, and those were things she admired him for. She also knew that Sakura and Syaoran had a lot of respect for Clow's reincarnation. But that was about it. He was always just another acquaintance, another passing face. She was never the type to engage people she didn't find particularly interesting, and he wasn't exactly the talkative type either. This was about as much as they would interact in school.

"Then why have you been standing there for one minute, eleven seconds and counting, just staring at me?"

Tomoyo blinked, now aware of the dark gray orbs eying her curiously. The signature polite smile he always adorned was plastered on his face yet again. She couldn't help but notice how the setting sun emphasized the intensity of his gaze, making the smile seem eerie and misplaced. "I apologize. Got lost in my thoughts for a moment."

Tomoyo headed to corner most cubicle, just a few feet from where Eriol sat. Pulling out the chair, she laid down some of the club reports she had collected. Apparently, as the vice president, her job was to summarize and review the budget proposals of each club, and present it as one holistic account to the president for approval. If she’d known it was this much work, she never would have accepted the position. She sighed. She was beginning to regret turning down the presidency. Perhaps it would have been easier to make all the decisions, instead of doing manual labor.


"Yes, Hiiragizawa-san?"

She watched him stare at her meaningfully, smile still in place. He said nothing, letting his eyes do all the talking. She sighed. She really didn’t have time to engage in a pointless stare down. "It's really nothing Hiiragizawa-san."

Eriol propped an elbow on the table, leaning his chin against his palm. "I could sense your discomfort the moment you entered this room. There's something you wish to talk to me about, is there not?"

Tomoyo sighed once again. She seemed to be doing that a lot recently. "Hiiragizawa-san, I assure you, it’s nothing of importance."

"I think I'm more than capable of being the judge of that." He leaned back against his chair, arms folding defiantly on his chest.

Glancing at the papers on her desk, Tomoyo closed her eyes. She needed to get all these done before sundown, but she had a feeling the bespectacled boy wouldn’t leave her alone. He could be very pushy when it came to getting his way.

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