Chapter 22 - Fight

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 "It's good to see you again," Riktor said as he came to a stop a few feet in front of me.

"I wish I could say the same to you," I responded. "Your lackey said I would get the truth by coming here. So I think it's time you tell me what you're after."

He chuckled softly. "I thought I told you the last time we met. I want you dead."

"So all these bandit attacks were just to lure me out? You attacked every town in the area just to get my attention?"

"You're pretty smart. We haven't pin pointed the Akatsuki hideout yet, but we knew it was only a matter of time before we fished you guys out to investigate."

"But how did you know I would come here?" I questioned. "Another member could have come here instead of me."

He smiled. "That, my dear, was luck of the draw. I've got men posted up at every place we've attacked looking for you. Fortune smiled upon me today that you came at the same time I was here. Saves me the trouble of hunting you down."

"Are you so sure fortune is not granting me the golden opportunity to take you out once and for all?"

His smile quickly faded. "There is nothing you can do. Your power has no effect on me. I have every advantage here. You have no chance."

This time I was the one to smile. "We'll see about that."

I rushed towards him. I knew my power would have no effect on him, so I didn't even bother trying. Instead I brought my foot up and kicked him right in the chest. Pain exploded from my foot all the way up my leg from the contact with his white armor. But I expected it, so I pushed through the pain to deliver as much force behind my kick as possible. He wasn't expecting a frontal assault, so he didn't even bother blocking. The shock of my straightforward attack and power of my kick staggered him. I took the opportunity to grab the black knife that was strapped to my back and attempt to strike the only exposed area on his body, his face.

But he recovered faster than I had hoped. He grabbed my wrist before my knife could make contact. I screamed from the pain of his touch. I let go of the knife, and it made a loud clang as it hit the floor. He kept a hold of my wrist as he knelt down in front of the knife. I could do nothing as the touch from his armored hand disconnected me from my power. I thought I had been prepared for this fight, but I was dead wrong. The pain from my wrist spread throughout my whole body. I could feel myself beginning to lose consciousness. This fight had been over before it had even begun.

He brought his free hand up to his mouth and bit down on one of his fingers. Using his mouth to hold his glove in place, he slipped his hand out of his armored glove and tossed the hand protection aside. He picked up the black knife and brought its point up to my face. "What a fitting end for you, to be killed by your own power."

Was this really the end of me? I didn't even put up much of a fight. But I wasn't ready to die yet. Now that he was this close, I could play my trump card. I feebly reached for the second knife I had strapped to my back. I flipped the white knife around in my hand so I was holding the bladed end. Hot, red liquid oozed out my hand as I squeezed the knife tightly.

"I may die here, but once I don't return, the rest of the Akatsuki will come after you," I said as I fought back against the waves of pain he was sending through my wrist.

"If you think anyone will come to avenge you, I think you are sorely mistaken. You're only a tool to them. Once you are gone, they will just find another to take your place. You're not special. But feel free to hold on to your shallow hopes if it helps you to pass on to the next world."

This was it. Now or never. While he gave his monologue about my meaningless life, I gathered the last of my fading strength for a counterattack. I leaned back and tried to pull away from him. "Oh no you don't!" he yelled as he yanked me back. I resisted as much as I could while I brought my other hand around. I slammed the handle of the white knife into his wrist of the hand gripping my own. I knew I couldn't cut through his armor since he was still wearing a glove on that hand. So I put as much blunt force into my strike as possible. It was enough to cause his grip to falter. I gave one final pull, and my wrist was freed from his grasp. Then I flipped the white knife around in my hand and slashed at his face before he had the chance to recover and cut me with the black knife he was still holding.

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