Chapter 12 - Infiltration

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Once Pain dismissed us, Sasori, Deidara and Itachi split up and went their own separate directions. I stood there with Pain and Konan still looking through the folder I was given. There was so much personal information about this girl I was supposed to be replacing, things like mannerisms and religious points of view. I started to wonder how they got all these little details about her.

"Are you really sure you think I can do this?" I asked the pair.

"You are a member of the Akatsuki," Pain replied. "If you can't do it, then you don't deserve to be here."

With that, Konan and Pain walked away together. I was left there standing all alone with my folder of documents. I decided to head back to my room and study up like Pain suggested before we left on the mission tomorrow morning. There I spent several hours going over every tiny detail until it started giving me a headache and I needed to get some sleep.

When I woke up the next morning, I was still very nervous. After cramming all night, I felt like I wasn't prepared for the mission. I felt sure that somehow I was going to mess the whole thing up by saying or doing something completely wrong. Still, I had to try if I was going to prove my worth as a member of the Akatsuki. I put my cloak on and went out to meet the rest of the group.

We ate a light breakfast before Sasori, Deidara, Itachi and I headed out. After my last interaction with Itachi, I wasn't too keen on going on a mission with him, but he said nothing and focused on getting to the mission destination. Sasori also remained quiet while Deidara broke the silence with some occasional lighthearted conversation.

Once we reached our interception point, we set up camp on a hill looking over the highway. We ate dinner and prepared for the mission. Itachi hadn't said anything to me the whole time. I was a little relieved that he didn't mention what happened, but at the same time, just being around him hurt my heart. I wanted to talk with him more, to find out why he said what he did and what he meant by it, but I couldn't do that with Sasori and Deidara around. Plus, I didn't need to be thinking about all that anyway. I had a mission to focus on. So I left him alone and kept my thoughts to myself.

Night fell, and we could see the target's caravan approaching from our vantage point on the hill. There looked to be about ten or so separate wagons in the group. The four of us stood on the hill and waited for it to come closer. I was nervous, but I suppressed the feeling and kept a calm appearance.

"Here," Itachi said as he lightly tapped my side to get my attention.

I looked over and saw him holding a small case in his hand. I took the case and opened it up. A pair of green contact lenses was inside. I took each lens out one at a time and put them into my eyes.

"How do I look?" I asked the group.

"I think your silver eyes are hotter," Deidara said with a smirk.

Itachi glared at him. "They will serve our purpose well enough."

"Enough chatter," Sasori butted in. "It's time to move."

Itachi, Sasori and I jumped down off the hill and headed toward the caravan. We took cover behind some brush. Above us, on the hill we dropped down from, Deidara started his distraction. The sound of explosions brought the caravan to a halt. Dust clouds billowed into the air. Several people came out of the wagons to see what was going on. The three of us watched closely for signs of our target.

"Look at that fourth one from the back," Sasori pointed out.

"Yes, that is the only one they seem to be guarding. All the other ones were abandoned to check out the distraction," Itachi confirmed.

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