Step 2: Brainstorm

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Start recording any ideas that come to mind even if they are silly. Start making a list on that computer or notebook of yours. Start looking at your favorite books or books of the same genre as yours. What are their titles? Try thinking of similar ideas. What word or phrase do you want to stand out in your book? 


A place

A name

An object

Day or night 

Era or time

These words can have a different font on your book cover even a different colour this will emphasize your title and draw more readers in. 

Now using those phrases create titles. Make a list of those titles and starr any of which you may want to use. Shorter titles that are straight to the point are always better than long ones. 

Good titles

Living with the Walker Boys

Playing Evelyn

Storm Warning

Chicken Soup

Nerd Diaries

Bad titles (in my opinion)

The Girl who knew all but one. She Loved one She knew one.

Making my life bigger than the Earth itself

I love you more than peaches, pies, cream cakes and Wattpad

These titles are very long and don't bring in the reader. The title must be interesting to draw readers in.

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