Eternity with you

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They embraced each other like there was no tomorrow although they knew that they have forever now.


It was a concept that he never believed in. He believed that in the end, all the banquets in this world will only come to end but, the man embracing him had promised.

Promised that their life will be a never ending banquet.

He can't help but blush remembering their times together before they parted. After all, it was the first time he had ever been so... so...


He flushed in shame. What would his father think of him after seeing his behaviour? Although, he has indeed done... worse in his 800 years of long life, it still was too embarrassing but at the same time he felt..


It was as if he had finally found his real purpose of life.

It was as if nothing really mattered anymore.

It was as if he had finally reached the stage of enlightenment.

And it was not a bad feeling. It was as if... He has accomplished everything he ever wanted in his life.

"Gegewhat are you thinking of?" The man in red asks and Xie Lian couldn't help but smile as he buries his face in Hua Cheng's chest.

"Nothing San LangI was just thinking.."

He looked up at the man he was embracing.

"I was just thinking about how only after having meet you, did I finally rediscover how easy it is to feel happy."

The man in red, Hua Cheng sucked in a sharp breath he didn't need to inhale.

It was like a habit which never left him.

And then, he chuckled.

"Same goes for me, gege. You're the best thing which has ever happened in my life."

Xie lian smiled and leaned into the embrace even more, resting his head on Hua Cheng's chest, their fingers intertwined.

A silent promise of devotion for each other.

Although they were still not good at loving themselves, They did truly love each other and they will maybe, one day find themselves to finally love themselves. But, that day is far to come.

Although, they do have eternity after all.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2021 ⏰

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