Chapter 11.

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"GET DOWN!!!" I screamed making Evangeline and Alena go under the table. I ordered some of my men inclusive Alex and Andre to take different ways.

"I need you to stay here! And DO NOT GO ANYWHERE!" I said fast and hard to Evangeline. Well mostly to her since I know she maybe wouldn't listen.

As me and some of my men went one way, and the others the other way, we came closer to the men who shot.

This man Have I never seen before!

What the hell.

"Give me the girl and you're free!" Some idiot who stood behind the wall with a gun in his hand yelled at us.

"Never! She's staying with us." I yelled back. Now going in for a shoot.

I knew I hit the guy, cause I heard him grunt and saw blood dripping on the floor.

"Ahhh fuck!" He said and turned his face towards me. Now let me see who it is.

Fucking hell. It's Julio. Javier's brother...

"Julio!? What the fuck are you doing here!?" I yelled at him. Trying to shoot him in the process.

"I am here to get the girl back. Javier is her rightful owner. Not you!" He spat out. Making me angrier than I already am.

"Fuck you both! She's no one to own!" This time he shoot me in my shoulder. Making me grunt.

"Boss!" Leo yelled from the other side of the room.

"They are almost gone. Just him and 2 more!" He said.

"Take them down! I handle this piece of shit!" I yelled looking at him in the eyes. He nodded and went back to work.

"She will be gone when you at least expect it, Xander."

I shoot him in the head, making his body limp and fall to the floor. Until I heard a scream.



I crawled out from under the table, Alana somewhere out here shooting.

I need to help them. I can't just stand here and just see.

I looked up from the table, seeing that no one was focusing on me at the moment. I took a knife that was on the table and hide it under my bra, in the back.

Thank goodness for bra's

I ran to one of the door openings. Seeing no one there, I saw it as my cue to run. But not before someone grabbed my wrist. Hard. I looked up and saw the last person I ever wanted to see...


"Hello, princess. Missed me?" He asked as he took me in his arms fully. Making me stumble at my own feet.

"Stop!! Please! Let me go!" I screamed at him. Kicking and punching him.

"Shhh!" He said and moved me so that my back, was on his chest. Him holding me close, and hard. With a knife against my throat. I stopped screaming and kicking. My eyes widened at his action.

"We don't want you to have more scars, do we?" He said. His breath in my ear. Feeling his breath in my ear made me shiver. Him having this much power over me made me want to throw up.

"You will take me to your room. And when we get there I will fuck your brains out. I will make that pussy of yours bleed as never before. You will forget your name when I'm done with you.

You disgusting piece of shit.

"Javier," I said. Trying to sound confident.

"Yes, princess?"

" know I've learned a few things since I got here..."

"And what's that then?"

"To always have respect for a woman!" And with that I swung my elbow in his stomach, making his arms drop around me. I took my knee and kneed him in his face, which made him fall to the ground.

I couldn't stop kicking him. Something in me made me burn. Call it whatever you want. But I needed to make him feel pain. As much pain as he made me feel.






Wooow!!! A extreme big thank you for 100 views!!!🤗😍😍my make me sooo happy!!

Sorry for the short chapter,but hopefully you'd liked it!!❤️

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