We Made It Part 1

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Once there was a boy called harry styles he is 20 years old and he is in university  studying music and meets a boy called louis Tomlinson and he is 23 years old they have been friends for 2 months just laughing and having a good time with each other but what louis doesn't know is that harry is in love with him that day in music. Hey louis hey hazza how are you I'm good what about you I'm good what are we doing after university harry well I was thinking we could go to yours and play football or go to the park and play sure then we can watch a movie sure ok well I have to go harry I have art now so ill see you later ok have a good class thanks you to. Later after university louis was walking to the park because he had to drop his bag off and grabbed his football from home but on his way to the park louis feels like he's being followed so he started to walk faster then he gets pushed on the ground and starts to bleed next thing louis saw was black.

Meanwhile with harry sitting at the park waiting for louis come on louis where are you its been 1hour come on its cold lets see if he answers my call once harry starts to call louis he can hear his ring tone and starts to walk towards the sound and then sees louis in the ally way knocked out covered in blood omg louis , LOUIS can you hear me then harry picks up louis and takes him to his place and places him on the sofa and watches over him for the next 2 hours. Then after the 2 hours louis starts to wake up mmm where am I OMG louis your alive what harry how did I get here I carried you here I found you in the alleyway covered in blood I cleaned you up and I put you on the sofa aw thanks then once louis hugged harry for saving him he feels weird and can smell blood and has the urge  to bite him hey louis are you alright yes im fine then louis gets a text from an unknown person saying [ FROM UNKNOWN TO LOUIS : hey If you want blood just look into some ones eyes and say don't scream you will enjoy this then you bite them but make sure you don't drink to much ].

Then louis thinks to himself [ WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS THERE IS NO WAY I CANNOT BE A VAMPIRE but I am hungry and harry is sitting in front of me then he takes a breath ok lets see if it works please don't hate me ] hey harry yes look at me ok then harry looks straight into louis eyes and he says don't scream you will enjoy this .Then louis grabs harry and bites his neck and starts to drink his blood then he also remembers not to drink to much so he stops how do you fell harry a bit dizzy oh ok ill get you a drink of water just stay there while louis is in the kitchen getting harry a drink of water he looks at his reflection in the toaster and sees that he has red eyes and fangs oh shit I need to buy blue contacts then he walks back into the living room here you go harry thanks louis so do you still wanna watch a movie sure what movie how about the mortal instruments : city of bones sure.

During the movie louis pretends to be asleep because he no longer sleeps but his eyes were hurting and harry looks at him and thinks [ aww he's so cute come on harry just kiss him he's a sleep he wont know ] then harry leans in and kisses louis and louis opens his eyes and kisses him back and then he climbs on Harry's lap moans louis wanna take this upstairs nope I like it right here and once he said the word here he started to grind on him hard AAA louis wow louis what's gotten into you nothing I just love your kisses. Then louis opened Harry's pants and ripped them off while pulling off his jog pants then louis started to ride harry AAA YES LOUIS THATS SO GOOD shh harry your to loud I'm sorry Lou hey can you believe we finish university in 2 weeks then louis stops and looks at harry.

 Really harry your bring that up while I'm riding you sorry its ok ill get my revenge oh yea how then louis looks straight in Harrys eyes and compels him to moan and to stay calm then louis bites his neck to have more blood [harry moaning ] AAA yes louis I'm gonna cum then cum for me fill me up then louis continues to drink Harrys blood until he feels harry Cumming inside him then louis stops drinking Harrys blood and cums all over his and Harrys chests. Omg that was amazing I know right but yea louis mh back to my question we finish university in 2 weeks I know I'm gonna miss it same harry what time is it um I don't know let me get my phone harry grabs his phone and the time says on it midnight SHIT what its midnight we have early classes in 7 hours ok lets shower and get to bed once they got clean harry fell asleep and louis snuck out to go home and grab a few things like boxers and clothes and his hair products. later the next day during music ok class since this is our last week I want you to prepare a sing a song for Wednesday so spend this 1h you have left of this class thinking of a song or you can write your own good luck after a week of louis preparing his song he wrote its time to sing it in front of harry and his class mates hi everyone I wrote a song called we made it I hope you like it.

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