Chapter Five - Forgiveness

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I feel awful, I haven't updated in two months! I'm truly sorry, but I've been busy with schoolwork and I had writer's block so I couldn't even write this chapter even if I tried. It's only two pages long and it's not eventful or good, so I'm sorry about that. I promise next chapter will be filled with action! 

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Camille x


Chapter Five - Forgiveness

A loud knock on my window awoke me briskly, my eyes fluttering open. I glanced at the clock on my night table. It read one-thirteen in the morning. It better not be those kids from across the street throwing rocks at my window again. There it was again. And again, even louder this time. I slipped out of my bed quickly and poked my head through the curtains hanging from my window. There was a huge ladder leaning against my window frame. I squinted my eyes, trying to get a clearer image of the shadow standing at the end of the ladder. That's when a rock came flying and bounced against the window, making me scream. I clapped my hands over my mouth, hoping my parents didn't hear me scream like a mad girl. I decided to take the risk and open my it. I unlocked it carefully and pushed it open. Someone was slowly climbing up the ladder. I started to close the window again when a loud voice stopped me from doing so.

"EM! DON'T CLOSE IT! PLEASE!" the voice pleaded. I started trembling uncontrollably and closed it completely without even hesitating, stepping away from the window. The stranger had reached the top of the ladder. He started fiddling with the window’s lock from the outside, but I knew he wouldn't be able to open it. My lock was very secure and impossible to work out. To my surprise, the window swung open, revealing a tall figure who was chuckling and shaking his head. He climbed up over the edge and sighed loudly.

"You haven't changed that lock in a long time, Em" he laughed. I tried to keep my expression as serious as possible, forcing a small smile. Harry cleared his throat, removing the black beanie covering his mop of curls.

"Will you listen to me now? I even snuck out of my house at one in the morning just to come see you, so you need to listen to me now. Please," he asked in all seriousness. I didn’t expect him to try to talk me anytime soon, to be honest. But I had decided to give him a chance the next time I saw him, and this was it.

A sigh escaped my lips as I nodded and sat on my bed. He closed his eyes and furrowed his eyebrows, as if thinking hard on what to say.

"At the beginning, I truly stopped calling you because I was busy. I really was. I was either rehearsing for next week's live show, or eating, or planning next week's live show or sleeping. There was no in between. When the boys and me went back to London after visiting you, we started getting even busier. Interviews, photo-shoots, meetings and small gigs consumed our time. Management gave us new phones and we lost all of our contacts and information. I used to remember your number like I remembered my own, but I eventually forgot it. I’m so sorry, I should have written it down somewhere. And so did the boys," he stopped to regain his breath. I felt more hurt than ever. I felt like I was being stabbed in the back with hundreds of knives.

"I know I could have messaged you through Skype or Facebook. I know there were many other ways to reach you. But I chose not to contact you in any way, and that's one of the biggest mistakes I've ever made. I chose to forget about my best friend and leave her behind along with all the precious memories we shared together. I believed that life would be easier if I forgot about you because that way I wouldn't miss you that much. But I was foolish, Em. I was stupid. I was homesick and I hated being all alone, so far away from you in singing competition. Instead of making me feel relieved and happy, I felt worse than ever. I needed you. But I still thought I was making the right choice, when in reality all I was doing was breaking our bond and our friendship. The boys even confronted me and told me that I had stopped being my cheerful self from right the minute I started avoiding you. It really hurt me. And I know I hurt you too, and I completely understand if you don't want to forgive me now, but please try to understand my reasons. I miss you, Em. I miss everything. You supported me from the very beginning, even when I was a member of White Eskimo. You were always there for me, and I left you behind and caused you all this pain. And now I want you back. I want my best friend back," he finished, his green orbs full of tears looking down at me. I bit my lip and turned away, trying to avoid his penetrating gaze. My head was spinning out of control. He had left me speechless.

Should I forgive him? Does he really deserve my forgiveness? Everybody deserves forgiveness, I reminded myself, remembering my mother's words. I was ready to listen to his side of the story, but was I ready to let him back into my life after he left me for so long? I sat up straight, looking up to his familiar green eyes. He forced a small smirk, persuading me to give him my final word.

"So?" he whispered, the sound of his raspy voice echoing around my room.  I let out a deep sigh, looking down. I started playing with my fingers, avoiding his gaze. I could feel his eyes on me though, desperate for my answer.

I never thought this would be so hard. I thought I would be able to say "I forgive you Harry" and everything would be over. But it wasn't that simple, and I knew that now. I didn't like to admit it, but I needed Harry in my life. Perhaps this time he won't leave again, or at least not completely. He's a pop sensation now, so of course he'll have to leave for tours with his band mates. But I trust him, and when he apologises for something, he really means it. I know he won't forget me again. I looked up to meet his penetrating gaze once again, a smile playing along my lips. Harry forced a hopeful smile and arched his eyebrows, waiting for my answer. I felt the knot in my throat tighten as I got up on my feet.

"I-I...I forgive you, Harry," I whispered hoarsely. His eyes went wide open as he jumped from the bed and flew into my arms. I wrapped my arms around his muscular body, inhaling his familiar scent. Nothing else needed to be said. After what seemed like ages, I tried to pull away, but Harry tightened his grip around me, making me giggle. “You can let go now, Haz,” I murmured into his shoulder. He buried his face into my hair, refusing to let me go. I could tell he was happy. He pulled away after a few seconds, with a cheesy smile plastered on his face.

That was it. Everything I was worried about was finally over, and it wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be. But I now had new things to worry about. What if our friendship is never the same as before? What if everything gets even more complicated and it doesn’t work out? And most importantly, what if Harry leaves me behind as a memory once again? What if I just forgave him for an insincere apology? What if-

“Em, are you okay? Why are you staring at me like that?” Harry asked with a cheeky smirk playing along his lips, snapping me away from my thoughts. “Oh, sorry about that,” I said, shaking my head. I rubbed my eyes tiredly, glancing at my clock. It was two in the morning, and Harry didn’t even seem to mind.

“Harry, why don’t you just go back home? We can go out tomorrow, I promise, but please let me go back to bed!” I pleaded with a tone of annoyance. His face dropped as he retreated to the window slowly. He turned around, and started slowly climbing down the ladder. My eyes followed his shadows until he reached the bottom. He blew me a kiss and wandered into the streets with his hands in his pockets. I waited until his shadow was out of sight before I closed the window, letting out a big yawn. I collapsed onto my bed, pulling the blankets up to my nose. My lips curled into an unconscious smile as I drifted into a deep sleep.

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