Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

"These are some peculiar plants you want, Amelia," Dorothy notes as she rings me up at the cash register. "Do you need help getting them in your car?"

"No, I think I got them," I pass her the money I owe her and push the cart to my car.

At the end of my shift at the nursery, I had decided to buy some of the herbs that Steph had collected. Her advice had stuck with me, and I decided that I should keep some plants with me instead of constantly foraging for them, or buying them from stores. As far as I can see, I don't need anything but the plants. Steph has the tools in her bedroom that I can use.

I drop the plants off at home before I head to Young-Jae's house to pick him up. He chats my ears off on our way to dance practice, filling me in on the school gossip. Apparently, I'm not a part of it anymore which is a relief in many ways. Still, I'm hurt that people have moved on so quickly from Steph's death while I still very much feel the impact of her absence.

"You never told me that you and my cousin were hooking up," He catches me off guard and I nearly take my eyes off the road, "Though it was pretty obvious after you guys basically had sex at the diner."

"You never told me that you had a cousin in this town," I shoot back, "Several, actually."

He groans, "I know but they're all so sensitive! If everyone knew how many people in this town were related to another then our family would be the center of many rumors."

"Jace made it clear that secrets were meant to be kept secrets," I respond. Jace has told me what he is, and I'm convinced that Rachel is a Wolf too.

I glance at Young-Jae. He's so slight, the complete opposite of Jace or Adrian. How is it possible that he can be a hulking Wolf?

"Funny that, though—Jace is right there," He grins widely as I park outside the gym.

I look up and feel my temperature soar. He's breath-taking—dressed in a fitted shirt and joggers that hang low on him. Young-Jae is howling with laughter as I practically drool over the sight of him.

"Up until now, I don't think I've ever seen someone undress another person with their eyes," He opens his door, "But you are the live-action of that metaphor."

"Shush," I laugh, "And it's not a metaphor—"

We both snap our attention to an angry noise. A girl is now with Jace, and very much in his proximity. I can't see her face but neither of them seem to be happy. Jace is speaking in a low voice but I can see the amber sheen in his eyes.

"Oh shit," Young-Jae hisses under his breath.

"Who is that?" I ask but he doesn't answer me.

"Leave it alone—okay?" He says as we come closer. His eyes snap up to mine suddenly and we both freeze.

Like every time our eyes meet, my lungs seem to stop working. Young-Jae shuffles away from me and to the side, nodding quietly at his cousin. I adjust the strap of my gym bag as Jace licks his lips. His eyes' movement along my body feels like his fingers are dragging up against my skin. A shuddery breath leaves both him and I.

"Really. You?"

My jaw drops when I realize that the girl beside Jace is the girl from the party. Her hair is tied back in a thick braid and her skin is shiny with sweat. She's as gorgeously intimidating as she had been before. Unlike at the party, she's now glaring at me. An icy wave of alertness washing over me. I step back.

She looks like she's ready to rip my throat out. Her eyes shift, vaguely golden like Jace's. Again, I let out a shaky gasp as I realize how many Wolves there are in this frickin' town.

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