Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

I rip away from his hands. I hit the ground quicker than I can catch myself. Tears soak my cheeks and neck, and I pant unsteadily. So much much grief and terror consumes me.

I look up and see her. The blond ghost. Cynbel.

"You saw me?" I whisper. She nods. A small, sad smile touching her lips. Her hands are on my cheeks and I let out a shaky breath. "Why did you see me before you died?"


I look over at Adrian. He stares at me, confused and shaken up. Glancing from him to Cynbel, my entire being is consumed with a dull ache, like a faint reminiscent of the vision. I squeeze my eyes shut and sit up.

"Who are you...talking to?"

His hands hover over my skin as I make my way to my feet again. He doesn't touch me.

I lay a hand on my stomach, still reeling from the violent images that have plagued my mind. His mate had been murdered as well, in a cruel, horrific way. Eamonn narrowly survived the ordeal. He's all that Adrian has left of his mate—of Cynbel.

I stare at Adrian. I open my mouth but can't say what I want to. I know that her death haunts's why it's always the first thing that comes to me when we touch. How I see the man in front of me is entirely different than before—behind the humor and his suave, sarcastic nature is someone who's a lot like me. Someone who lost someone so dear to them that their loss has shifted their entire world.

How long has she been following them, watching over them as they slowly move on from their grief? My hand goes over my mouth and realize that Steph is going through the same thing.

While I have been slowly moving past the paralyzing loss of my sister's death, she's watching me goof around while her killer runs rampant. I've become lost in trying to fit in as a Wolf and distracted by Jace. I've lost sight of my true goal—the reason why this all started.

"He killed her too," I can barely get the words through my clenched teeth. My eyes meet Adrian's, who waits quietly for me to speak, "Leon...he killed my sister too. Just like he murdered Cynbel."

He snatches his hands back, cursing quietly. His jaw ticks like mine as he clenches it just as tightly as I am, "You...shouldn't have seen that."

"I told you not to touch me," I reply, finding my balance again. I hush the Wolf inside me, but she only growls and pushes against my will. She's unsettled and so am I.

"You shouldn't be able to see anything...just by touch," He murmurs, his voice dangerously low. I take a step away from him as he studies me like a predator, "Lycans are powerful...but they're not that powerful. Especially not new ones."

I'm up against the tree before I can blink. Adrian's eyes blaze wildly as he pins me down, grip firm and unrelenting. A low rumble rips through me, but it's quickly drowned out by Adrian's snarl. His Wolf only glares back at me—emerald green eyes warning me not to push him.

"I'm going to ask this one more time, little wolf," He growls, "What. Are. You?"

"I'm like your son—"

"I don't think so. If you were then your Alphas wouldn't be trying to hide you—"

"Let me go."

He holds his ground. I yank at his ironclad grip but to no avail. With a frustrated sigh, I look up at him.

"Your hands—that black disease overtaking your flesh—that's only something that happened to him. You're just like Leon, aren't you?"

"I can't tell you, Adrian—"

His fury explodes, choking any resistance or words from me. I'm crippled under the weight of his Wolf, of this Alpha. He isn't playing anymore.

"You know," Bile rises in my throat and my eyes water. I feel like he's pressing searing coals to my skin, "You—you and Mac both know. Or at least you have your suspicions."

His mouth is set tightly. I tilt my head down and sink into the bark of the tree. My jaw hangs slack and I gag, begging for my stomach to rid myself of its discomfort. He only leans in closer, chest moving in low tones. He's unsure, like a wild animal that is determining whether I'm dangerous or not.

Mira's voice is like a muffler against his Wolf's onslaught on mine.

"Let my female go, Adrian."

He does without hesitation and stalks right up to her. She only smirks as he goes chest-to-chest with her.

"Whatever the fuck you're hiding," He spits in her face, "I want to know."

"In due time. But right now, go back to the fight. Your son was quite shaken up."

Adrian leaves without sparing me a glance, which unnerves me. I look at Mira and she comes up to me. She wipes the corner of my mouth with a straight face as always and sweeps her gaze over me.

"Mallory told me what you truly are. Under duress, but she explained it all to me," She says quietly, "The Missing Prophet. I'm sure you understand why it's even more vital that we keep this among ourselves. Especially from outsiders like Adrian."

I nod and say nothing.

"Let's get you back too," She herds me back to the training grounds, "Everyone's over the spectacle. Natalia and Adrian's Beta made sure to give a show to upstage your little...outburst."

"It wasn't an outburst," I murmur, "Mallory...I need to see her."

"After the fighting. She's busy right now."

I follow her with heavy feet. My skin feels feverish and dense. I'm exhausted but bouncing with adrenaline. My heart and mind race rapidly and I can barely focus as the fights continue. Rachel has been knocked out in her previous fight, so I sit by her and help Doc while he busies himself with the other injured Wolves.

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