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Hey guys! I know it's been AWHILE since I updated this story... my bad. BUT! I'm here to say I WILL continue this! I loved the idea of the readers deciding who gets eliminated and it's just really fun writing all the characters from the show interacting!

I've recently started watching total drama again and getting back into it. Though you may have to wait a little bit till you get an update since I'd like to reread everything 😭 since I kinda forgot and my notes about this fic doesn't help much. Plus it'd take time since I'm in my 2nd year at college 🥲


It surprises me how active the TDI fandom is still too. Like the amount of votes and comments I get from my 3 TDI fics is always surprising to me 💀

I just wanted to write this to assure you, dear readers, that I will finish this. Anyways hope y'all have/had a great day!

Also how many of y'all seen the new reboot of total drama? How was it? WHERE DO YOU WATCH IT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD TELL ME! EVERYONE ON TIKTOK DOESNT RESPOND WHEN I ASK 😭 I WANNA SEE IT SO BAD.

See you guys! I promise y'all I'm finishing this fic it's too good to give up 🫡

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2023 ⏰

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