Party time!

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"Heroes, I'm utterly disappointed in you! You have a HUGE team! But somehow still lost! I wish I could send you all home, but then we wouldn't have a show. Okay, the following campers are safe, Lindsay, Izzy, DJ, Bridgette, Leshawna, Katie, Sadie, Noah, Tyler, Trent, Harold, Gwen, Beth, Geoff, Cody, Sierra, Zoey, Dakota, Dawn, B, Sam, Cameron, Brick, Jasmine, Dave, Samey, Ella, Shawn, Rodney, Leonard and Topher." Chris said while tossing them their marshmallows.

There was one more marshmallow on the tray and only two campers left. Staci and Breado. The two of them looked very nervous, they didn't want to be the first one to leave.

"Staci, you never shut up about your family which is driving your team crazy. Breado, you don't talk, you just make noises which also might drive your team crazy. But tonight.... the one whose leaving the island is..... Staci!" Chris exclaimed as he threw the last marshmallow to Breado.

"And since this is an All Star season, I decided to bring back the flush of shame! Man I love my job!" Chris said while leaving the fire pit and heading to the big toilet which was in the water, right by the docks.

"Any last words, Staci?" Chris asked and before she opened her mouth he pushed a red button and she was flushed away.

"Ha! Like I actually wanna hear her last words. Any who you're on your own, McLean out." Chris said as he and Chef both walked away. Probably to Chris' new cottage.

The villains were already in the spa hotel, enjoying the luxury of it. While the heroes were making their way to the cabins.

"Geoff, we should throw a party! We do have a big team, we need some team bonding. We also should get to know each other a bit more!" Bridgette asked her boyfriend as they were walking hand in hand to the cabins.

Geoff stopped dead in his tracks when he heard the word "party". A hug smile spread across his face, he then engulfed Bridgette in a huge hug.

"Babe, that's the best idea! We'll need some food and drinks, but how?"

"I can ask Zoey, Mike is in the spa hotel. He could sneak some food and drinks out for us." Bridgette answered.

"Babe, you rock! I'll go tell the guys! You tell the girls! I know where the party should be! Me and you can set it up!." Geoff exclaimed as he and Bridgette ran off to let everyone know about the party.


"Zoey!" Bridgette yelled while running into the girls cabin. Startling the other girls.

"What? Is something wrong, Bridgette?" Zoey asked getting off her bed and heading to Bridgette.

"Geoff is going to throw a party! So we can have some team bonding since we ARE a huge team. And so we can also get to know each other!" Bridgette exclaimed making all the girls excited. The originals always did loved Geoff's parties, while the others always wanted to attended one.

"Can I go?" Samey asked very nervously. She was still getting use to the whole friend thing.

"Girl of course! No one is being left out!" Lewshana exclaimed as she went to comfort Samey.

"Zoey, do you think Mike could smuggle food and drinks out for us?" Bridgette asked Zoey. Zoey nodded her head as she ran off to the spa hotel.

"I can't wait to see my Cody bear! And my Cam-Codykins!" Sierra squealed while Gwen pretended to vomit.

"Is she always like this?" Jasmine asked Lindsay while pointing to Sierra. Lindsay just nodded her head.

Zoey was able to climb up a nearby tree which was close to the spa hotel. She started throwing  little rocks at the windows trying to get Mike's attention. Mike was eating dinner all by himself.

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