Until the Day It Becomes a Pumpkin!

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Hikaru, Kaoru, Katsumi, and Haruhi were in their classroom.

"All right. Next item on the agenda. I move to discuss what the class plans will be for next week." The Class 1-A Representative, Kazukiyo Soga, stands at the front of the room.

"Next week?" Haruhi asks.

"What's going on next week?" Katsumi adds.

"Yeah, Halloween!" Hikaru told them.

"Oh, Katsumi, Haruhi, you've only been students at Ouran Academy since high school, right?" The Vice Representative, Momoka Kurakano, asks, "So, you don't know. After we finish taking our exams for the fall, we're allowed a few days off until the end of October and we get to throw costume parties on campus to celebrate!"

"And also, to promote camaraderie, each class is allowed to use an entire day for a special class event of their choosing." Kazukiyo adds.

"Event?" Katsumi looks at her brothers.

"Right! They're pretty fun actually!" Kaoru told her.

"Yeah, we socialize or watch some old movies. Stuff like that." Hikaru adds.

"Sounds like fun!"

"Boring, boring, boring!" Renge exclaims as she stands onto a table, wearing another cosplay outfit, "Halloween! The day that sounds the death note of summer and ushers in the icy breath of winter! Halloween! Once a day where ghouls walk the Earth and disguised as ghouls, we try to ward them all off! Halloween! A day to wear costumes and playing pranks on trick-or-treaters with reckless abandon!"

"Some people don't wait for Halloween to dress up." Hikaru told her.

"Some people cosplay year round." Kaoru adds.

"I know that's right." Haruhi deadpans.

"What's with the uniform?" Katsumi asks.

Renge laughs, "Just between us, this is the female uniform in Uki Doki Memorial 2 which isn't scheduled for release until next spring! What do you think? I know important people on the inside if you catch my drift."

The four hosts sweatdrop.

"Miss Houshakuji, we're having homeroom now. Could you get down off the desk, please?" Kazukiyo asks.

"Tea parties and cosplay?! Whose club does that practically nonstop?! What our Halloween requires is something special!"

"Um, we're supposed to decide this as a class-"

"So I propose holding a Halloween Test of Courage Tournament! The bravest student wins!"

The class starts to chatter amongst themselves.

"A test of courage?" Hikaru asks.

"Tournament you say?" Kaoru adds.

"Here's what we'll do! We'll ask the superintendent to give us access to the school after hours when it's dark, then we'll all dress up in our freakiest costumes and proceed to have the time of our lives scaring the absolute crap out of each other!" Renge explains.

"I'm in!" Katsumi raises her hand.

The twins giggle, "Yeah, we're in too!" they then have sinister looks on their faces.

"I really like the part about-"

"It being dark."

"Well, now, why don't we think this through, everyone? We can't all go individually. We should be in teams of at least four or five." Kazukiyo shakingly raises his hand.

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