I had a little call with one of my friends two hours ago and I'm STILL thinking about it what the fuck.We where studying for the test that I have today (math, everyone's favorite subject I know) at 10 pm-ish? Yeah.
We were(still are, it's 00:30) tired, you know the about-to-crash-from-exhaustion kind of tired that you feel literally every day? That, times ten.
We've been studying for hours (4 hours) and she lets out this grunt of frustration and I just- I don't know... everything zones out and my mind just decides to press repeat on that moan sounding groan as if it were a funny thing to do in the middle of a studying session. My friend wakes me up from the wierd hormonal trance asking me if I can hear her and I let out a curse (you know, because of my slight frustration-). She questions the "outburst" and so the loop begins. I say it's nothing she goes on to ask me what it was and so on. After a while she lets it go and returns to our study session.
The question is, why do I have to be like that? Couldn't I just let it go? Did my gay ass really have to do that? I guess so.
This has to stop happening