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Meanwhile, in the room next door ....

"Hey, Te? There's something that's been bugging me." New started as he faced the dark ceiling, body all tucked inside the warm duvet.

Tay, who had been on his phone, stopped to look at New. "I don't like this tone of yours ...."

New turned to his roommate. "Just ... can I talk to you about this? Just to ease my mind. I promise I won't bring it up again after this."

Hearing the seriousness in New's voice, Tay shifted to properly face him. "Okay, hit me. What is it, Hin?"

"So ... hypothetically speaking, what if the unclaimed secret is Off's?"

Tay looked at him funny. "Yeah? And the guy he has feelings for, are you saying that it's Nong Gun?"


"You do realize you sound ... obsessed, right? It hurts me to say this, but there's no way he sees Nong Gun in that light."

"No way? Like at all? I mean ... people change."

"You sound hopeful."

"Am I not supposed to?"

"Well, are we still talking about that theory of yours? Or do we make-believe now?"

New looked hurt.

Tay sighed softly. "I love Nong Gun, Hin, I do. But there's a clear line between straight and gay guys, a line he could never get past no matter what he does."


"Okay, how about this. You also love Nong Gun as much as I do, right. You know he's cute and fun to be with. Even his stubbornness just makes him even more adorable. Still, if you weren't with Kik, can you imagine having him as your boyfriend? Because no matter how perfect he is, he could never be your girlfriend."

"Ha ... I guess not." New eventually sighed. "But then again, I'm not the one being showered by all his love. Not the one he hugs and kisses every other time, no matter how unwilling I am. Not the one he never gives up on, no matter how rude I am toward him. Admit it, his affection is so loud it drowns all truth."

"Nah, Hin. You've kissed people in your job. You've kissed me. We purposely nurture intimacy in workshop. Did you instantly feel for me then, do you now? The truth is, being coupled up and intimate on-screen doesn't make you feel for each other."

New looked deep in thought as he left Tay unanswered. Then, quietly, he said, "Okay, I rest my case. Maybe you know Off more than I do. Just ...." He sighed. "Whose is it, then? It doesn't make sense at all."

"Singto, maybe?"

"Toward Kit?" New thought to himself. "Twice?"

"Well, it could be anybody. He got coupled up a lot. Nong Ohm. Lee Thanat. Who else?"

"You know what? Forget it. Maybe I was just being hopeful after all." New chuckled. "Go back to answering your fans, I've stolen enough of your time. I won't bother you anymore."

"'Kay. Good night, Hin."

"Good night, Te."


Gun never thought his promise would be put to test this early. As he arrived at the villa that late morning, all charged up to welcome another day at work, oblivious of the dark mist that'd been hovering around him.

"You're back, Nong Gun! We were just having brunch. Come help yourself." Tay wasted no time to pull him to the bottomless brunch table.

"Brunch today, huh?" Gun asked as he picked some cheese sticks.

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