Chapter 1

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Cassidy awoke with a start with a blindfold around her head. She felt panicked thoughts run all over her mind as she attempted to take the blindfold off. There was a couple moments of silence before there was the creaking of the wood beneath her. Except, it wasn't her that was moving, it was someone else.
Cassidy felt her breath catch in her throat at the sounds that were coming closer to her. She managed a strangled cry for help before she felt cool hands on her throat.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you..." A deep, raspy voice rumbled beside her ear. She shuddered at the hands and at his voice. "Who are you? Why did you blindfold me?Why am I-" the rambling of questions went on and on, all without an answer. Getting frustrated at the lack of answers, she took in a deep breath, letting it out slowly. "Why did you bring me here?" She asked in a serious yet strangely calm tone.
By the time she had finished rambling on and on, the hands and voice had left, and only the faint squeaking of the floorboards from the other person remained. There was a dark chuckle at the last and final question, and the steps walked towards her slowly, painfully slow. "Well, Miss Cassidy, it's time for us to play a game." The voice answered in a all-to-light hearted tone. "What game?" She questioned strongly. There were so many questions that needed to be answered, yet the male voice never did. Nor did he give any signs of answering her anyways. The blindfold around her head tightened, then fell as the male figure took it off of her. She squinted at the sudden burst of light and ability to see again.
Cassidy took a look at her surroundings, as far as she could tell at the moment, she was in some old wooden house. It only takes a couple of moments before you turn to face the male figure that had taken her here.
He was tall, pale, and had bags under his eyes like he hadn't slept for weeks. He had fair brown/black hair and she could tell he was complete trouble. Not just the fact that e had kidnapped her and brought her here, no, it was more of a dangerous kind of trouble.
Pushing those feelings away, she returned her attention to what was more important. "Who are you. And what is this game you speak of?" She growled towards him. Wow. Way to sound like someone in a really cheap horror movie, Cass. She thought miserably. There was a terribly long silence as the male looked at you up and down, as if sizing up an opponent. There was no answer for the longest of times before the raspy voice spoke up again. "Stiles. Stiles Stilinksi." He answered in that same, dark, raspy tone. There was only a second he spoke his name before these two, black, shadow figures with mask appeared out of thin air. Like a cloud of darkness deciding to form into warriors with a words that could cut a head off in an instant. These terrifying looking figures stood on both sides of the young man, stiles, she recalled his name was. There was a pause as Stiles looked at the figures of darkness, then to you. "And these are the Oni." That was the last thing she remembered hearing before she got light headed and began to collapse to the ground. She was on her knees and was attempting to stand back up before one of Stiles' Oni held her face up, staring into her eyes with a green, soft glowing, light. There was a small moment where she looked away, but it quickly ended when she passed out on the floor. Only given a small moment before blanking out, the last thing you saw being Stiles' smirk looking down upon you.

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