Chapter One: The Bite

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I am Peter Parker aka the magnificent Spider-Man and this is my story. I was once a normal puny kid who was at the top of his class. Peter Parker had 2 major friends, Harry Osborn and Mary Jane Watson. Both of which he was friends with since he was 10. Mary Jane and Peter both work in the newspaper department of their high school Midtown high.

I was on a field trip to Oscorp Research Center in central New York to view Oscorp's new 8 armed prosthesis and other things. When I and the class entered the Center Parker was surprised with the massive amounts of advanced tech and he wanted to photograph some of the techs like a massive PCR machine. I asked Mary Jane If she wanted to be in the photo and she agreed. In the background, a scientist said "we are currently working on genetically engineering spiders to be a stage to improve on the human body".(back to the photo) Peter got into position getting the massive and loud PCR machine in the shot. I got ready to take the photo as a small, red and agile spider began to creep down a web. I was about to take the shot when he felt a sharp bite on his hand. He quickly smacked the spider with all of his strength. Mary Jane asked "Peter what was that?" I replied, "oh nothing something just bit me probably a spider".  I began to feel nauseous and said to my teacher "I'm not feeling so good" and walked away to the bathroom. Peter stumbled to the sink where he looked at the bite and saw it pulsing and about half the size of an apple. he began to cool down his face with water as he exhaled. Peter left the bathroom and stumbled past a guy who asked "are you ok" and I replied, "yes just food poisoning".

I walked outside and into an alley. He stumbled to the wall where he grasped the wall with force as he winced in the pain from the spider bite. I tried to move away but his hands were sticking he tried harder and harder. He then looked at the bite and remembered the bite from the spider and how big the bite was and now that the size of the bite was about the size of a marble. I began to think and thought "could I have powers?" so I placed my second hand higher up.  Soon he began crawling, he looked down and got a rush of adrenaline. When I reached the top he began to run and run. When he reached a max speed he was moving at a speed faster than most Olympic athletes! I then jumped and was surprised when I jumped farther than anything I have ever seen! when I calmed down I thought of what he could do! he could climb walls, run at the fastest speeds and jump the farthest!I realized that I had the powers of a spider.. except being able to shoot webs. So I began work on Web Shooters

It has been 1 week since he has been bite and in that time I was able to make his web-shooters though he hasn't tested them. I was still deciding if he should test the web-shooters but I wasn't sure If they were safe for use but eventually, 1 week and 1 day after I found himself on top of an apartment about to test his shooter to see if they work well. To make sure that my identity doesn't get revealed I webbed my face which made it almost impossible to tell who I am. I walked to the edge of the ledge and stared off the side as I decided if I should jump. Then I just walked off. I began to freefall feeling the air push against my face. Then I shoot my web which grips onto the side of a building. I then begin to swing and with surprise, I can actually get a good motion going. While I was swinging, I thought about a costume to go with my new identity as a spider... who is also a human, so why not Spider-Man!.

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