Where is he

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{back at the Phantomhive manor} [Agni's POV]
I rush into Lord Phantomhive's study where I knew Megan would be on guard. I burst through the door and Megan immediately drew her sword but lowered it when she saw it was me. "H...h...elp pr...ince...in...tr...ouble ....mu...st h...h....urry.. m...en...t....ake p...lease..." I said out of breath. "What are you talking about? I did not understand a word you said." Ceil said confused but Megan seemed to have heard me loud and clear. "Lord Phantomhive I believe he said that some ones kidnapped the Prince." She said and Lord Phantomhive dropped his papers and stood from his desk. "WHAT!?!" He yelled as Megan made her way towards me. "Agni take me to the last place you saw him." She said and I got up and lead her back to the garden where I found his crown. She examined the area as I tried to calm my self. "Did you see who took him?" She asked and I shook my head. "How as he taken?" She asked. "Um we were walking in the garden enjoying the nice sunny day

when he said he heard some one following us but we didn't see any one then we heard a noise and I went to see what it was but found nothing. When I turned back to the Prince he was gone, it's all my fault I shouldn't have left him." I said and sank to my knees. "No Agni, the fault is mine, obviously I didn't secure the manor as well as I thought if some one was able to get in kidnap the prince and then leave with out being noticed. I should have been more on guard and strict with the other guards." Megan said. "No it's no....." I tried to tell her it was not her fault but she would not listen. "Yes it is the safety of the Phantomhive manor and all its guest and residents our mine own responsibly. My job to make sure that no threat enters this area. And I failed. The Princes kidnapping is my fault I have failed to prevent these crooks from entering the grounds and what's worst letting them leave with Prince Soma in hand. I swear I will not rest until I find the Prince and bring him back." She said and right then another guard came over and she walked away with him.
[Megan's POV]
I waked way from the scene to get ready to find the prince. I turn to the stable boy. "Ready my horse at once." I said and he went off to get my horse I turn to the guard following me he was my second in control. "Tony." I said and he stood straight. "Yes captain." He said " I want you to double the manors defense." I said and he nodded. "Yes captain." He replied. "Double the guards, double the amount of weapons they carry, double the amount of hours they stay on guard." I said and he nodded. "Yes captain." He said. "No one leaves their post until the other guards who are assigned to switch with them are present, and by that I mean they have to be right next to them. If any post is found empty at any time, who ever was assigned to be on guard there must be punished, harshly." I said and he nodded. "Yes captain." He said. "Until I return with the prince no one comes in and no one goes out of this manors grounds understood?" I said and he nodded. "Yes captain." He said. "I'm leaving you in charged while I'm gone, do not disappoint me." I said looking him dead in the eye and he took a knee not breaking eye contact. "I swear on my honor to you captain that I will protect this manor as if it was my own life, I swear that none of your orders will be ignored by any one including my self. I swear no one shall enter this manor nor leave it. All post will always have a guard posted there. I swear that no one else shall be taken or injured in your absents. And if I am to fail at protecting this manor, then you shall have my head." He said and I nodded down to him and handed him my captains badge. "If I don't return please carry out my duty's as the next captain of the Phantomhive manor guard. Protect the young lord with your very life. It was an honor to work with you my friend." I said and he looked at the badge and his eyes filled with tears and he stood and hugged me. "I swear on my honor that if you shall not return I will continue your duty's and protect the young lord even at the cost of my own life. But I prey that you return home safe with the prince." He said and I placed my hand on his shoulder. "Thank you I prey you stay safe as well." I said as the stable boy brought me my horse. I settled up and got ready to leave when. "Wait I shall go with you." Agni said coming up to me on his horse. "No you stay here." I said to him. "No the prince is my responsibility I must go with you." He said. "It's my fault he was taken I didn't secure the manor well enough the burden is mine." I said and he just glared at me. "The manors defenses may be your responsibility but the safety of the prince is mine, I'm his butler and protector I will not stay here while you go and risk your life for my master. So I will join you I don't care what you say I'm going." He said I sighed I had to agree prince Soma is his master. "Very well you may come on one condition." I said and he looked me in the eyes. "What?" He asked. "That you follow my orders at all times. I have had years of training and studying for times like this, and I'm assuming you haven't and it'll make me more focused on saving prince Soma knowing you won't do any thing that might jeopardize this mission." I said and he nodded. "I agree. I will not do anything with out you telling me to." He said and we were off.

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