Chapter 40

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"S-She's awake!"Deku said.

"Shut up Deku."I said as he said sorry.

'Why does this two extras went here just to see her anyway if they can't protect her properly earlier..Sh*tty Deku and Icyhot bastard..Tsk!'

"W-Where am I..?"(Y/n) said while trying to open her eyes up.

"Oi (Y/n) don't stand up you need to rest well and recover your body back."I said as I laid her back down.

"You're at the clinic..Mr.Aizawa and the others are waiting at the bus for you to awake and we'll go..But Bakugo is right rest well and we'll go there later on.."Icyhot said.

"I see..I've got collapsed from the exam,huh..I think I failed and didn't get my provisional license.."She said as she chuckled.

"Don't be stupid..You did great well and passed the exam and get your provisional license."I said.

"R-Really?! Wow I didn't thought I could get because how I act careless just like how Gang Orca said to me though..How about you three?"She said.

"W-Well..I do p-passed the exam..B-But.."Deku stuttered.

"Don't f*cking stutter!"I shouted as (Y/n) put an index finger in front of my mouth.

"Please don't shout Katsuki my head still hurts."She said.

"Sh*t..Yeah I forgot about that.."I sighted as she nods and take her finger away from my mouth.

"Bakugo and I didn't passed or get our provisional licenses we failed it and needed to take another.."Icyhot said.

"Oh that—Wait! What but why did you guys failed?!"She shouted.

"I thought your head still hurts."I said but she glared at me.

"Izuku-Kun and I passed while you too didn't?! How impossible you two are one of the top students at our class!"She said.

"W-We act..C-Careless than you thought tho.."I spoke as I heard her sighted.

"Sorry about that (Y/n).."Icyhot said as she shakes her head.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't burst like that since I don't have the rights to shout at you guys so I'm sorry..You both did your great,but indeed failing it..There's a chance anyway so we don't have to worry about it just next time do it properly,okay?"She said as I nod and Icyhot nods too.

"Yeah,whatever.."I stick my tongue out.

"Are you feeling better now (Y/n)-chan?"Deku asked as she nods.

"Yeah..Let's head to the bus now so we couldn't keep them more waiting than how long they've been waiting.."She said as we all went out from the clinic and headed our way out to the bus.


"Oh it's them! (Y/n) is already awake!!"

"What the f*ck?!"I heard Katsuki cursed.

"Why there's too many students near at our bus?"Shoto-Kun said.

"I thought all of the students left already..?"Izuku-Kun said.



"We're glad that you're awake now!!"

|~HER~|💗 ~|Izuku Midoriya x Katsuki Bakugo x Reader x Shoto Todoroki|~Where stories live. Discover now