Counting down the days

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16 July 2017

Having a teething baby sucked. Really sucked. Only a couple of days after Jay had sensed that Emilia would start to teeth soon, it had become evident that she was indeed teething already. She was fussier and grumpier during the day, chewing on everything that she could put into her mouth, had swollen gums and much worse, she wasn't sleeping through the night anymore, was awake at least two times a night and opposite to when she'd been a newborn and settled back easily only to wake up again an hour later, she didn't settle too well during the night now, was quite restless, keeping her parents up for hours. They didn't want to bring night feeds back and so they walked with her through the apartment, spent some time with her out on the balcony to watch the stars and listen to the noises of the city by night, a rubber teething ring or washcloth they've chilled in the fridge before always accompanying them so Emmy could chew on it, the coolness helping her to cope with her aching gums.

″Hey princess,″ Jay said on Sunday morning two weeks before the wedding, when he leaned over the crib to pick her up. She was already holding her arms out for him, a conscious effort to be picked up that she showed him for the first time. ″You've already been waiting for daddy?″ he smiled down and scooped her into his arms.

″Hey you,″ he whispered, pressing a kiss on her cheek. ″How are you doing this morning?″ he asked her, tickling her belly softly which earned him the cutest giggle.

″You're in a good mood today, huh? Are your gums a bit better?″ he asked her and opened her mouth gently so he could look for the pearly whites he expected to break through soon. It's been a week now since it has become obvious that there was something going on in her mouth and he had no idea how long it was supposed to take until the first tooth would appear. They hoped she would at least be done with her two bottom teeth by the time they went on honeymoon, so they wouldn't have to leave Hank with Emmy who was 50% of the day/night not really her usual happy, easy-going self.

″Naah Emmy, still nothing there,″ he sighed, walking to the kitchen with her where Erin was preparing the pancake batter for breakfast, wearing a pair of pajama shorts and a white top, her hair a complete mess from their Sunday morning activities earlier. God, how much Jay loved seeing her like this. As the sexy housewife. Though he would never tell her because he really wanted to live a little longer and she shot him death glares whenever he was as sassy to call her housewife, so at some point she would might throw a knife.

″Hey sweetheart,″ Erin almost sang when they approached her and took Emilia from Jay's arm. ″Did you have a good sleep since you were up last at 4?″ she asked, Emmy grabbing for her hair and pulling on it, smiling brightly as she did.

″I guess that's a yes cheeky monkey,″ she laughed and tried to free her hair from Emmy's grasp and in particular, her strong pull.

″She's in quite a good mood today, so maybe it's getting better,″ Jay said and leaned down to first press another kiss on Emmy's head and then on Erin's lips. It wasn't like they hadn't kissed this morning already, they'd done way more than kissing in fact - making the best of the extra time they'd had this morning thanks to Emilia sleeping longer since she was up during the night - but he of course took the chance of brushing his lips against her soft ones whenever he could.

″Let's hope it stays like this, right Emmy? Teething sucks,″ she said, wondering whether they could expect this kind of drama for every damn tooth within the next one-and-a-half years.

″Poor little girl,″ Jay sighed and stroked over her cheek. If he could go through this instead of her, he would do it in a heartbeat. As if she'd understood the compassion from her father she reached out for him again.

″Such a daddy's girl,″ Erin laughed, passing her back to Jay.

″You wanna go for a jog with me and Crispin before breakfast, as long as its not too hot outside?″ he asked the baby. ″You wanna come, too?″ he then asked Erin.

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