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The honeymoon was over, William and Julia had returned to Toronto and were now spending their first night in their new home, a suite at the Windsor House Hotel. As they lay in bed, Julia rested her head on William's chest as he wrapped his arms around her. William drew her closer, "I never thought the day would come Julia. I've waited so long to have you for my own. For the day we would have each other and be together forever."

Julia felt a shift in William's mood, she looked up at his face, his eyes were unfocused, as if he was looking inward.

"What are you thinking William? William?"

"Hmm?" he realized Julia had spoken.

"What were you thinking about?"

"The first time we kissed, and how happy I was. I'd wanted to ask you out for so long but couldn't find the words. Even when I finally did I still couldn't tell you how I felt. It took the Absinthe to show you ... and not in the way I would have liked. Now you know why I don't drink."

Julia smiled, "I'd wanted you to ask, I thought you never would. I have to admit that I was somewhat surprised at the way you 'told' me how you felt but I can't say I objected."

William smiled back wanly; once again he was inside his head.

Again Julia brought him back to the present, "What's wrong William? You seem sad."

He looked down at her. "It wasn't long after that first kiss that I lost you for the first time."

"Lost me?" Julia repeated.

"Yes, when you told me about your abortion. I was shocked, but I was willing to continue in our relationship, I loved you then Julia and I didn't want to lose you, but you walked away and left me sitting there on the bench. My world fell apart."

Julia was saddened at the change in William's demeanor, "Oh William, I'm so sorry. I thought it unfair to expect you to compromise your beliefs; your faith meant ... means ... so much to you. Then there was your duty to the law."

"Yes, but I haven't followed either blindly since the Wendell Merrick case."

"Wendell Merrick?" Julia cast her mind back, "Ah, the man murdered in church before his wedding; but he was killed by his brother."

"Yes, because he had second thoughts about marriage. Two good men died, one of them for no reason other than his homosexuality. He left a wife and child behind. I may not be comfortable with the idea and I may not condone it, but I won't condemn it either despite what the church, or the law, says. I also understand why women resort to such extremes as abortion. I doubt it's easy to raise a child on your own."

Julia turned her head to look at him and caressed his cheek, "You've come a long way William."

"Huh, I suppose I have."

Julia laid her head on William's chest again. "You said your world fell apart ... it didn't stay that way long; you soon took up with Enid Jones." she said petulantly.

"Only after you rejected my attempt at reconciliation," William pointed out.


William continued, "I came to see you after our ruse with George's mother. I invited you to a battery exhibit. Alright, perhaps that wasn't the best idea I've had." He let out a chuckle then became serious again. "I got the impression though, that it wouldn't have mattered what I invited you to, you would have turned me down. I thought you were no longer interested in me so I moved on. I didn't go looking for another relationship, it just came along. I can assure you that I would much rather have been with you. I had hoped we could reconnect when I was injured and you tended to me. I sensed that perhaps you still cared for me."

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