chapter 18

374 11 5

-=+=- Christmas motherfucker -=+=-

" Wake defek up!!!! " Graser yells and starts smaking me with a pillow.

" Go away your drunk. " I say and giggle alittle but try to get back to sleep.

" rude, but it's Christmas get up! " He yells.

" Uggghhhh fine. " I say and get up and through my hair into a messy bun because I'm to lazy to do a fishtail. I walk down stairs and there are like a ton presents wrapped under the fucked up Christmas tree.

" Nice tree see you guys put real effort into it. " I say and h chuckles.

" That was all Graser. " h said and I sit down on the couch and grab my phone since I left it down here last now. I check Skype first and of course our group chat is like crazy.

Kac- merry Christmas the people I'm friends with for some reason.
A- happy Christmas weirdos!
Ken- shut up I'm sleeping! Oh and have a nice day
A- Ken Ken Ken!!!!
Ken left the chat
Me- happy fricken Christmas and qq andy you made kendle leave
A- Ik ^.^
Ken joined the chat
Kac- Yay! She's back and gtg present time.
A- have fun
Me- yeah what andy said
A- don't try and double up on me!
Me- I can do what I want when I want
Ken- im leaving now SO dont bother me!
me- alright bye kendle!!! <3
A- suck up
me- fuck off shes my friend unlike someone
A- hurtful ( crying emoji ) i see how it is bye
Me- BYE!!!! love you!
A- i guess i love you too bye
Me- see ya

" hey kayla. " H says.

" yeah. " I reply and look over the top of the couch.

" ok so to start off christmas we have something for kayla that is hopefully outside. " H says and i must have the stupidest facial expression right now.

" it is, I'll get it. " Graser says starting to laugh you know his signiture school girl laugh. I just roll my eyes and go on wattpad and start searching up new fanfics. 30 seconds havent even passed and someones has put their hands over my eyes.

" You know im not afraid to bite or punch so hake your hands away from my face. " I say and then theres a cute chuckle and I just smile.

" I think shes happy now. " I hear H say. Will takes his hands from my face and came and sat down next to me.

" Hey babe... " He says after i attak him with a hug.

" Hi, ive missed you so much " I mutter as i burry my head into his chest.

" I've missed you too. " He says i look up at him and smile. " I love you " he mutters and kisses the top of my head.

" I love you too. " I say. I look up at him and kiss him for the first time in what felt like forever. This is what sucks about having a boyfriend that lives in another country.

" When you two are done could we start opening things? " Graser says and will slowly pulls away from the kiss and i cuddle into his side and rest my head on his chest.

" wait will did you not get to spend christmas with your family? " I ask and he chuckles.

" We did it yesterday and my family had to go see my mum and dads parents so it worked out for the better. "

" Thats just not right. " I say while laughing. My phone goes off and I slowly unlock it really dreading it since I know its either sam or andy. By the way we made up like a week ago so there isnt anything to worry about. It unlocks and its skype but not from andy, its from rusher.

da fucking cow❤️🐮- Merry christmas! Hopefully you like what i sent you <3

Me- merry Christmas to you to mr.cow! And dido but I literally just sent it the other day so it's gonna be late 😕 <3

da fucking cow❤️🐮- same I got to go I'll talk to you later

Me- ok bye cow

da fucking cow❤️🐮- bye crazy

" Who YA texten? " Will mutters as I felt his kiss the top of my head.

" Rusher. " I say and I felt him tense up.

" I thought you two weren't really friends? " He says asks.

" No we're friends, and if your worried since about what happened at minecon don't worry we're just friends now nothing more nothing less. " I say and look up at him and smile. He kisses my forehead and I go back to cuddling Into his side, with my head resting on his chest.

" Alright let's start opening things before Graser goes crazy. " H says and will starts laughing while Graser goes all crazy fangirl.

-=+=- maybe like a hour later i honestly dont know -=+=-

" Alright who wants food? " H asks after we finish cleaning everything up.

" Me! " Will and Graser say.

" I'm not really hungry but can I go put this stuff with my art supplies or no? " I say and will wraps his arms around my waist.

" No. " Will says and I glair at him while he's smiling.

" Fine. " I say and lean into his chest. We end up just sitting their talking for a while eating pizza from the other day.

-=+=- later on that night maybe 11 -=+=-

" I'm gonna go to bed. " I say and stretch while standing up.

" Oh right we almost forgot, Will we are going to let you sleep in Kayla's room with her BUT if we hear anything out of the ordinary you'll have to stay on the couch. " H says and I roll my eyes and smile.

" Don't worry we won't do anything. " Will says. We go upstairs and I let him change in my room while I brush my teeth and comb my hair for the first time today. Yay! Finally. I walk back to my room and leave the door slightly cracked and go lay down on my bed.

" Hey kayla. " Will says as he turns off the lights and lays down next to me.

" Hmm "

" I love you and I'm glad to be able to see you again in person. "

" I love you too and same I've missed this. " I say as I snuggle into his side and rest my head on his chest. I close my eyes and slowly fall asleep as he traces small circles on my back and arm.

-=+=- Authors note -=+=-

Hope you all enjoyed! Sorry if this is kinda short in like really tired. I have a new book out called living in the shadows so if you could go check that out it would be amazing! If you did enjoy slap that vote button comment and I'll see you guys next time BYEEEEEEE!!!!!


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