chapter 14

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-=+=- the night before they leave -=+=-

me and will are just hanging around his place since we just wanted to spend the last little bit of time we had together alone with no one around us. we were in his living room watching netflix because its bae, while cuddled on the couch with a blanket covering both of us and a bowl of popcornon his lap. we were watching the walking dead since ive never really seen it and he was persistent on making me watch it.

" Hey kayla..... " He says and I look up at him.

" hmm. " I hummed in responce. He leans down and sofly kisses me on the lips, i return it and smile into it. we slowly pull apart but to be truthfully honest i didnt want that moment to end, i wanted for his lips to be on mine again.

" how did you make the desicion to stay with me and not go be with brayden? " He asked.

" well i was most likely gonna stay with you from the begining.... " I start but he cuts me off.

" What do u mean most likely, i knew you might be having second thoughts but you actually were considering going to him? " He asked in a stern tone, its not like im not used to this but im not used to it from him. I lean away from my current position which was me laying aginst his side with his arms wrapped around my waist.

" can i finish? " I quietly ask and he nods. " As i was saying i was gonna stay with you from the beggining but there was something telling me to think it over, to consider brayden and i did but when i actually had time to think about it i was 95% certin i was gonna stay with you but i needed a friend that was a girls help. so i text her and she told me to go with you since you love me and i love you and if things go wrong and the other person still loved you he whould be there. " I finish and he smiles at me.

" I do love you kayla, im sorry about getting into that tone its just knowing that u were debating made me wanna kill brayden also the fact he put you in that situation. " 

" its ok, ive gotten used to it over the years from my ex-mother. " I comment and he hugs me. i sorta hug back but not really because of the current way in sitting. He pulls away from the hug slowly but then gose to kissing me. I didnt mide though, we sat there for a while until he pulled me onto his lap and starts nipping at my neck. good thing no one home or gonna be home for a while. he starts trailing his hands down my sides and they somehow ended up my shirt.

" Will... " I say and pull away from the kiss, before getting pulled back into it.

" Will stop, i dont want to do this. " I say and he pulls away. " Im sorry its jus.... " I start but he pecks my lips to shut me up.

" Hey its ok i understand, when your ready just let me know. " He said and winked while i laugh.

" Deal. " I reply and he smirks.

" love ya. " He says and i slide off his lap and back to where i was sitting and cuddled into him again, and thats pretty much all we did until i had to get back to the hotel.

-=+=- when they leave... AIRPORT CRAP TIME FUN AM I RIGHT -=+=-

         we got through all the airport crap( and u guys thought i was actually gonna put that shit in there didnt you ) and i had said my goodbyes to will when we first got there. Alot of the guys were staying there for a few more days but graser and H wanted me to get to school and tomahawk needed to get back as well. 

" You ok? " julio asked me and i nodded.

" Yeah, im just gonna miss this and him. " i say and H looks back at me and gives me a sincer smile. i return it and we got on the plane and me and julio sat next to each other since we were all on the same plane back to america, but we have to split up once we get to reagan national airport in D.C ( and no i didnt look that up i have flown in and out of there many times since i live a hour away from it ) I put on the jacket will gave me and i leaned back into the seat, might as well get comfty im gonna be here for a while. I plug in my headphones tinto my phone once we take off and when the person says we can get on our phones and stuff i turn my on and put it on airplane mode. i play some green day for a while till i fall asleep.

-=+=- later on once there back in merica and home in chicago -=+=-

        " BED! " I scream and ran upstairs into my room.

" Someones glad to be home. " Graser says and then i heard a camera go off. i then feel my phone buzz telling me i got a twitter notification.

@KKKAAAYYYYYLA someones glad to be back with her bae - picture - ( sorta kinda forgot if i gave her a twitter name yet so its gonna be this now :/ whoops  )

@hbomb94 you mean bed now leave my room i reply and his phone gose off. he has only people he follows on notification now i guess, but i dont and my phone is blowing the fuck up right now.

" im going to sleep. night dont wake me up unless you have chipotle." I say and H and graser laugh while they close my door.

" Im being serious though dont wake me up unless you got the amazing thing called chipotle. " I yell the go back to sleep only to be woked up 4 hours later.

" we got ya chipotle becuase it sounded really good after a while." i says and i nod and get out of bed and walk downstairs and once i saw the bag i ran to it.

" Yours it the burrito, graser wanted a bowl for some odd reason. " h says and i grab it out of the bag and  dont even sit down before i open the foil and take a bite out of it. I go sit on the couch and just relax enjoying being home and eatting chipotle. I am actually getting used to calling this place home, it was weird before but now i like it, but its will get some getting used to if i ever start calling graser and H dad... how would that even work out anyways? 

" Dont worry about it kayla youll fine the right way to call us it when you feel comfortable. " Graser says as he walks down stairs and H nods his head in agreement.

" I said that out loud didnt I? " I ask already knowing the answer.

" Yeah but * chewing sound hear * we were actually thinking the same thing, what would u call us if you started calling us dad or something? " Graser asks sitting beside me and H sits beside him.

" I dont know probably dad for graser and H would be of course papa H. " I say and they laugh in unison, then look at each other.

" We need to tell you something. " H says and I nod my head while taking another bite out of my burrito.

" well this might be weird and all but me and H are sorta kinda dating. " Graser says and I scream, you know of happiness and joy.

" GBOMB!!! " I yell and then just start laughing about the whole situation.

" Why is this funny and glad your happy about it i guess, your like the only one we've told. " H asks.

" The fanfics have come true! " I comment.

" ok now that we've told you is there anything you wanna tell us? " H asks and motions his head towards grasers.

" Oh um yeah... so graser I may or may not be dating will or kiingtong however you want to say his name. " I say.

" as long as he dosent hurt you im fine with it. " He say and my jaw drops in surprise about his reaction to it. 

" Ok im done with everything im going to bed the world is screwing me over. " I say and throw my hands up in defeat and walk upstairs. still having my burrito of course.

" Night btw you got a doctors appointment tomorrow. " Graser yells upstairs and i go in my room and just think about what went on downstairs.

" today has been possibly the weirdest day in my life. " I mutter and go on my computer and play some minecraft till im to tired to keep my eyes open then go to bed.

-=+=- authors note -=+=-

  hope you all enjoyed this extra long chapter, this is gonna be the last thing i post for a while becuase i go back to no internet access tomorrow around 4 so yeah, ill be back soon hopefully. if you did enjoy slap that vote button and comment, thoughts on the Gbomb addition to the story i wanna know what you guys think of it. so yeah see you guys soon hopefully BYEEEEEEE!!!!!!!


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