Chapter -2

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Bondita's POV:

I got seated in the car absent mindedly, I wasn't able to withstand the plethora of emotions I was feeling,  but I have to bear it, at least until we reached home.
I saw outside the car, to just get off that zone when I saw children waiving at me.
I waived back at them, and kept doing that until they were out of sight.
But the moments I spent with them, the little angels indeed they were, because even few hours spent with them instantly rose  .
This was my second visit to children abode this month. And children were more than happy to see me, because it turned out to be a big surprise to them.
I was also elated for getting a chance to meet twice in a month at a stretch.
Unlike the other times, when I hardly got to visit this place.
I always called it children's abode, the choice of word orphanage didn't seem opt for this beautiful place. I restrained myself from using this word because it made it appear as if it was some dull place, it was rather full of life, filled with the laughter of children.
All through these years one thing I noticed about myself was that I have started to run away from realities, I can't just see facts as they appear, but instead make it fancy, but facts are facts, and they should be accepted as they are, one thing my profession teaches me to practice but anyways,
Some truths are harsh to accept and hear too, so I sugarcoat them.
I have started giving myself such liberties now, but deep down I know they are my weaknesses protruding themselves.
My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a honk of a car blazing .
The car got struck in the jam and it seemed , but it didn't bother me now because I had become habitual of it.
The blares of the horns and the the noises didn't affect me now this much as they earlier did, when we shifted to Kolkata.
But now with course of time, I have already settled myself in this huge city, accepting all its rush, the glam of lights, the factories but I still struggle to fit myself in its sophisticated culture,   the western influence  mixed   in the air of the country.
I maintain it only formally, meeting my clients.
For rest of the time I am still the native girl of a small town tulsipur, whose serenity I didn't admit but I miss it a lot.
The streets there was full of people  who stood there doing the small talks, and small stalls of kulfi, puchkas and a lot more.
Unlike the hectic and busy lives of people who didn't make time for each other.
Mentally I was at tulsipur, where my family was, I thought.
Why was I addressing it even as family even?
I gulped at my thoughts.
The vehicles started moving now,
The signal became green, I assumed.
I tilted my head against the seat and closed my eyes as apartment was still at a much distance.
After 30 minutes, my nap broke as the car came to jolt.
Madam, do you want to buy some groceries?
Ramesh dada asked me out of the blue, his question puzzled me a little bit, which he understood.
Madam sir was asking for you, so I told him that you are out for grocery shopping.
He said.
His words reminded of such an important thing which I had missed.
Thank you Dada ! I extended him  gratitude for his care which he reciprocated with a smile.
We didn't have a word about these matter ever , but yet he understood everything, maybe because he had been there for 2 years, hired as a driver by Pati babu for me.
Perhaps he has guessed a little, through our unconscious actions, the type of relationship I share with my pati babu.
Ramesh dada, do you think that pati babu would check the pantry  after returning from bangalore?
I chuckled at his kind attempt, I was really relieved when he said that he took pati babu's call which was for me actually.
But when he stopped the car near the vegetable market, I was amused.
Oh sorry madam! He smiled nervously .
Please don't be dada! I was just joking.
I said casually to ease up the conversation.
Dada! How many times I have told you to call me by my name?
I expressed my dislike of being addressed as madam by him,
a person who was practically of my father's age .
No madam! I am comfortable in addressing you as madam only.
He smiled back at me and turned his back at the steering.
I frowned at his reply.
I knew the reason for his denial, inspite of my persuasion.
But I didn't persuade him further. realising it was of no use, he won't go against his boss orders even in his absence.
Dada! Could you please stop the car near that vegetable cart, I think I need  to do some grocery shopping.
Dada stopped the car at the cart, and I was back with a cloth bag of vegetables.
Pati babu would be so happy , when he would see his favorite baigan bhaja.
I smiled internally, imagining the happiness on his face and praising me
for making a scrumptious meal for him.
This would be a surprise by my side, I felt really excited.
Finally we reached our bungalow.
I looked at my wrist watch, it was 2 already .
               .     ***********
I had been running around the house since we reached home. It was weekend so today no staff was here to help me.
I was doing with preparing the dinner. And now was busy in setting the house  properly.
Though there was not any mess, because we two only lived here.
But still I wanted everything to be perfect, his eyes are too sharp to notice  even a thin layer of dust on flower vase kept on the table.
He was a cleanliness freak and like things to be kept intact at their place, precisely as he instructed the house help to set.
Having done the work I retarded to my room and went to refresh myself.
Changing into my night gown, I thrashed on my bed , I was exhausted badly today.

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