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Amani's POV

MY name is Amani Kris Walker. I am 18 years old currently living in Sydney, Australia. I have my own apartment because my mom and dad always were on to me about everything and never let me do anything I wanted. I guess it was for the best though. I have been to jail several times for many different things, but it's not all that bad. I met a lot of my current best friends there. One of them is named Katherine. She is here with me at my apartment right now. She lives at home still at the age of 21 because she doesn't have the money to get her own place. Her parents get way too drunk sometimes and get to the point where they take all of their anger out on Kat physically so she just comes and stays at my apartment.

Another one of my friends I met in the jail house goes by the name Ashton Irwin. That's not his real name though. He never told me what it really is, but he said that he hated his real name so as soon as he turned 18, he changed it. He has been in trouble far more times than I have. Many more than I can count. He is a natural born trouble maker.

"Kat, come get it!" I screamed to Katherine just as I finished setting the plates of food on the table. I had gotten quite good at cooking lately, for I have invested in multiple cook books for my apartment.

"Coming, I'm kind of busy right now!"

I live Kat to death, but she is a slut. You are probably wondering why I am calling my best friend a slut, but if you ever met her, you would know. She is with a guy no matter where she goes. Whether it is physically with a guy or just emotionally with a guy. Sometimes both if you know what I mean.

Kat walked into the kitchen out of breath and I instantly know what she was doing. In my bed. I guess I'm going to have to change the sheets.

"What were you doing in there, Kat?" I asked her in a sarcastic tone. Just then, I heard the door shut and I had a second reason to beleive that my interpretation was correct.

"The usual," Kat answered. I just made a disgusted face and continued eating my food. I have to admit this was one of my favorite things I can make. It is chicken casserole aka heaven.

After we finished eating, Kat had to say goodbye. I hugged her and drove her back to her parents place. When I returned back home, I cleaned up the mess we had made at the table. I then go to my bedroom and carefully changed my whole bed set. By this time it was almost midnight and surprisingly, I had a job interview tomarrow. I decided I would at least try to get some sleep in before I had to get right back up again.

I plugged in my phone on the changer and placed it under my pillow. As soon as I placed my head down on the pillow, my phone rang.

"No caller ID" the screen read. I was decisive at first wether or not to answer it, but curiosity got the best of me and I answered.

"Hello?" I said wearily into the phone.

"Hey is this Amani?" The raspy voice asked.

"Yes this is her. May I ask who this is?"

"It's Ashton. Ashton Irwin."


new fanfiction yay! I hope you enjoy this short chapter! cliffhanger on the first chapter wha?! vote and comment pls ily💜 btw this story will have slow updates because I have to focus on runaways and on wait did that jut happen but just hang with me here I promise I will try to make longer chapters for the longer wait!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2015 ⏰

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